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So what's the story with Von Bergman guitars? Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Teddy. Good times on the road we had. I vaguely remember checking out of a Knights Inn one morning and driving away from a jacuzzi full of beer bottles left the night before. Do hotels still require a security deposit from you guys? Well regardless I think it's imperative that we play a show together next year.


Hey Gregg and Shane, how's the old rust coming off? Wish I could be there New Year's Eve.
Ted Pilgrim

So, Gregg, how big of an influence on you was Jim Messina? It struck me today that your tone and playing is pretty similar to his....


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I don't know if its possible since Ted is so far away. but instead of just the 2 NW shows. I think the fans would go bezerk for a west coast tour.
of the Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims, and the Ghastly Ones
hit Seattle , Portland, SF, LA and San Diego.
it would be huge!!!!



I don't know if its possible since Ted is so far away. but instead of just the 2 NW shows. I think the fans would go bezerk for a west coast tour.
of the Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims, and the Ghastly Ones
hit Seattle , Portland, SF, LA and San Diego.
it would be huge!!!!


Jeff, if I die and go to heaven, that would be it. haha


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

The tour we did with The Satans Pilgrims was one of the most fun tours we ever did. It would be more than a pleasure to do it again! Ted, nice to see you here. Remember that particularly smelly club in Texas....or was it Atlanta?

Happiness is being a surf musician that actually surfs. Ride Lord Hunt Surfboards!!!

The tour we did with The Satans Pilgrims was one of the most fun tours we ever did. It would be more than a pleasure to do it again! Ted, nice to see you here. Remember that particularly smelly club in Texas....or was it Atlanta?

Shane and Gregg,
You guys rule(d)! It was all fun, spending the night at the Portland, ME jail while you guys were safely tucked into your beds. Shane, didn't you just get out of the pokey?(sorry). I think the especially smelly club was in TX. Ahh, smelly clubs, smelly shirts, Knights Inns, the claw, the memories. Hope to see you soon.

a west coast tour.
of the Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims, and the Ghastly Ones
hit Seattle , Portland, SF, LA and San Diego.
it would be huge!!!!


That would be fantastic !


a west coast tour.
of the Bomboras, Satan's Pilgrims, and the Ghastly Ones
hit Seattle , Portland, SF, LA and San Diego.
it would be huge!!!!


That would be fantastic !

Bring your camera, San.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Ok, let me ask this one again now that I have a scanned photo. Was this a photo-shop job or a real crazy Jazzmaster/Mosrite hybrid?


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, it's a Von Bergmann creation, as in Mel Von Bergmann. He's the guy that announced The Great Surf Crash of '97. Or was it '98??

Ah yes, Mel also had a double neck Jazzmaster/Jaguar too, right? What an awesome idea!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, it's a Von Bergmann creation, as in Mel Von Bergmann. He's the guy that announced The Great Surf Crash of '97. Or was it '98??

I just thougt of the Shaddicts.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

So, we were surprised to hear the Finks only played 8 shows (as compared to the Bomboras). How many shows did the Witch Doctors play?

The Scimitars

Hey Ran, the Witchdoctors were around a few years before I joined. When I was in high school I ended up at some parties they played and later joined the band. It was kind of where we started exploring surf music in a live setting. We did an instrumental called Death Ray '63 which Jake wrote and I first tried playing through a reverb unit. I played with them for a few years so it was probably like around 40 - 50 shows I did with them. Their original Vox organ player, Scott Burton, passed away recently. He was an incredible player, trained in classical music but loved to play garage. I found a web page Paul Carey put up which I'll share here:


Thanks Gregg, good info on that website.


The Scimitars

Hey Gregg I got a question for you. What model was that red Strat you used in the Bomboras? It sounded really good and it was probably more your playing of it but it sounded just right.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Hey, thanks Bill! I still have that red strat - it's an Amercian Vintage reissue - and it seems to sound better every year. I think the pickups are aging nicely finally. I know you play a Jag, but have you tried the any of the Lindy Fralin Strat pickups? Those are all hand wound and sound pretty awesome.

Hey, thanks Bill! I still have that red strat - it's an Amercian Vintage reissue - and it seems to sound better every year. I think the pickups are aging nicely finally. I know you play a Jag, but have you tried the any of the Lindy Fralin Strat pickups? Those are all hand wound and sound pretty awesome.

Thanks Gregg,
I've actually been thinking about getting a Strat lately and have been thinking about just getting an import with a rosewood neck and replacing the pickups on it then I remembered you had that maple neck Strat which seems to be pretty uncommon for surf, but like I said it sounds good on all the Bomboras recordings.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Hey Bill, I have a 3-tone sunburst 1980's Japanese '62 reissue that I'm thinking about selling. It has a set of the Lindy Fralin Blues Special pickups seen here

If you're interested, and don't mind a high action set up, PM me.


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