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Gregg, did the Bomboras play in Columbus, Ohio at any point? I was talking to this tattoo artist here named Andy Ringo who says he did some tattoo work for you guys.

Sorry for the off-topic post; I was just curious.

I split Jon's post from the How/When did you start thread. I think its really cool that Gregg Hunt has joined us here. And, I don't think any Bombora was ever part of Cowabunga or any other surf discussion group before. I know I have tons of questions for him as well. Hopefully this will be cool with Gregg. Let the questions begin! Cool

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Nov 12, 2006 17:24:06

Hey, good idea Brian.

Jon, I checked the website

and saw that we did play in Columbus in Feb. '98 at the Newport Music Hall with the Cramps and the Amazing Royal Crowns.

I don't know about the tattoo artist, but I'll ask the other guys if they remember him.

Damn, so I could've seen you guys live....I wish I had gotten into surf music sooner.

The first show I ever went to at The Newport was in the spring of '98.

Greg I was looking at the Organ grinder photos one day. And I noticed that you guys had played a gig at the Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum.
I started going to shows there in Feb of 97.

when did you play there?
how was the turnout for that?
and do/did you like playing outdoor, Daytime gigs?



Gregg I was wondering if you could share with us the whole Zombie Au-Go-Go experience? How did that come about? Is Rob a surf music fan? And what happened to his label? I think I read he just realized running a label was more work than he thought and folded it. His label had some promising releases on it.

I keep coming back to your Head Shrinking Fun record, I really dig it, can you tell us anything about recording that? I think I read that was pounded out very quickly. How does it rank amongst your favorite Bomboras records?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think we played a few times there outdoors in the summer of '96 and maybe also in '97. Usually a small crowd would come out for it. Always fun.

Rob was an enthusiast when it came to garage & surf music. He was very professional and always really laid back when we worked with him. A lot of things were happening with record labels and the music industry as a whole back then. We look back on that time as an incredible opportunity and simply appreciate having that opportunity. I don't recall rushing to get Head Shrinking Fun done. We were used to recording live so it may be that we just finished it fast. It's always a little time sensitive because you're paying an engineer and for their studio time, but regardless it was important to us to put the time in we required. I like Head Shrinking Fun but generally prefer the rawness, mistakes and all, of our low-fi recordings! Thanks for the interest!

Greg thanks for your reply.
I wanted to wait for you to reply before I stepped on your toes about Rob.

so Brian I met Rob Zombie, (one of my rock idols) ha ha not really, but I do like all his endevors. music, movies, etc..
he was at a Halloween show in LA, that was Ghastly Ones, Bomboras, and the re-united Fuzz Tones.
So when I saw him I was like oh wow. It was before he put out the Halloween Hootentanny, Ghaslty Ones, and Bomboras cds, but I had heard that he was involved in them , and was suprised , interested in how why he was into surf/garage/rockabilly stuff. But being that I am
into rock too, I asked him if he got the trasition form surf to frat to garage, to Psyche, to early hard rock to Metal and then punk.
and he was " oh yeah totally" it agreed that it was a line that went form Link Wray to Black Sabbath. I about fell over. I was like somebdy gets it. ding ding ding give this man a prize.
so I told him how I loved all his stuff and metal, but had gotten into surf real head over heals. and I thought it was way cool, that he was puttin out the cds he was workin on.
as for what happend to his lable this is all speculation, but based on info I got thru working in the music biz for awhile.
in the late 90's alot of the medium sized lables were buying up or starting little independant lables. His Zombie a-go-go was part of Geffen records. Well alot of the big lables Like ( WEA - Warner, Atalntinc,Electra) and (Sony- Columbia , Epic, EMI) and one other biggie but I forget the name all came together to the BIG 3. and either bought out, or forced out alot of the smaller lables.
any indepandant lable that was owned by a bigger lable seaced to exsist. Like Mai Tai records was owned by Doctor Dream rocords, and
they were owned by Segrams liquors, who was involved in some sort of music production, distribution. Just stopped doin what they did.
not went out of buissness, just disappered. very weird times.
a few tiny independant snuck under the wraydar, and new ones poped up. Buut Zombie a go go bit the dust, as it was funded by Geffen and Geffen was gone. Kinda sad, but that the music industry for you.



Last edited: Nov 14, 2006 17:56:01

Hey Lord Hunt, Its Showman Shane! I was just checking this site out and I saw you here so I figured I would say hi to my pal. All these crazy stories reminded me of the time when we were back stage at the Galaxy Theatre and his majesty Dick Dale wanders over and says to Lord Hunt "you guys are tops!" Fuck yeah...see you tomato.

Happiness is being a surf musician that actually surfs. Ride Lord Hunt Surfboards!!!

This is a really cool thread! Welcome Lord Hunt! It's really great to have you here. This thread inspired me to listen to Savage Island and Swingin' Singles almost non-stop for two days now. (I really should get Organ Grinder out, too....)

I gotta say that I agree with Brian about Head Shrinkin' Fun being something really special. Not because it's hi-fi, but because you guys absolutely SMOKED on that one! I think that's some of the highest-energy, fastest surf music that's ever been put down on tape. The originals were amazing, too. Dave's drumming is just completely over-the-top, but, really, everybody plays incredibly well. I love everything the Bomboras have done, but I also think that Head Shrinkin' Fun was the best.

Anyway, I'm very happy to see that the Bomboras are back together and that there may be some more recordings in the future. Yay!


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I too love Head Shrinkin' Fun. I think it's great how there are those little ads between some of the songs.

"Adjacent to BOB'S STEAKHOUSE"

That's a particular favorite. Was that Sheri Moon at the beginning of the Lexington Bowling Gloves ad?

How did you guys come up with those? Was it just sort of an improv thing?

"When I'm at the bowling alley hitting the bottle...." LMAO

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I too love Head Shrinkin' Fun. I think it's great how there are those little ads between some of the songs.

"Adjacent to BOB'S STEAKHOUSE"

That's a particular favorite. Was that Sheri Moon at the beginning of the Lexington Bowling Gloves ad?

How did you guys come up with those? Was it just sort of an improv thing?

"Ladies, are you tired of straining your delicate fingers on those big, nasty balls?"

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty


Ivan, thanks! You will be pleased to know that we will be performing a number of tracks from the "HSF" album on New Year's Eve. Regarding recording, Showman & I have recently recorded with Volcanics drummer Benny Hammond for a Halloween comp which came out last month. The comp is called the "Spooky, Swingin' Sounds of Kreepsville Manor", and it features 15 or so current surf & garage bands (check it out at: ).
If you'd like, I'd be happy to post our track here. It's kind of a fuzzy, surf, theme song.

Jon, yes to both. I've always dug the vocal stylings of Casey Kasem, so that's where the beginning came from. "Bob's Steak House" is the cue to Mile Zero, which coincidently has some interesting trivia: there was supposed to be an overdubbed solo around 1:10. Oops, we forgot, so maybe this album WAS rushed!

Hey, if anyone's interested, I'm compiling a new Bomboras mailing list. If you'd like to be informed of shows and general updates, simply PM me with your email address and I'll add you to the list.


This is a really cool thread! Welcome Lord Hunt! It's really great to have you here. This thread inspired me to listen to Savage Island and Swingin' Singles almost non-stop for two days now. (I really should get Organ Grinder out, too....)

I gotta say that I agree with Brian about Head Shrinkin' Fun being something really special. Not because it's hi-fi, but because you guys absolutely SMOKED on that one! I think that's some of the highest-energy, fastest surf music that's ever been put down on tape. The originals were amazing, too. Dave's drumming is just completely over-the-top, but, really, everybody plays incredibly well. I love everything the Bomboras have done, but I also think that Head Shrinkin' Fun was the best.

Anyway, I'm very happy to see that the Bomboras are back together and that there may be some more recordings in the future. Yay!


Heya Jon, yeah that was sherry moon on those intro bits. I think we pretty much came up with those on the spot....i think. It was funny doing them too because the recording engineer didnt think they were funny at all and said it was stupid, so that was extra fun doing it...BOBS STEAKHOUSE!!!

Happiness is being a surf musician that actually surfs. Ride Lord Hunt Surfboards!!!

Hey Gregg and Shane, how's the old rust coming off? Wish I could be there New Year's Eve.
Ted Pilgrim

Ivan, get yer Organ Grinder out. I always liked that one. The studio vocals, She Kills Me and Ilene are really good songs... and wished I'd written Ilene. Plus the live instrumentals smoke!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Heya Jon, yeah that was sherry moon on those intro bits. I think we pretty much came up with those on the spot....i think. It was funny doing them too because the recording engineer didnt think they were funny at all and said it was stupid, so that was extra fun doing it...BOBS STEAKHOUSE!!!

Hahahahaha that's awesome.

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