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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Tales of the Rat Fink - movie stars

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Hey kids, check out Big Tiki Dude (Jeff Hanson), Rob Kruse of the Dynotones and other members of the So Cal surf music scene in the new movie (released a week ago on DVD) about the life and times of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, creator of the Rat Fink character. They appear towards the end of the film as they watch the band in which I play drums (The Torquays) perform Ghost Riders at the 2000 Rat Fink Reunion. We only had to play it about 7 or 8 times in row!

The film also has a bitchin' sound track by The hot rod-surf-instrumentals!

Hey Duff,
thanks for the Heads up on that, I would have probably never known
that I was in there, had you not said anyhting. I didn't sign a waver or get paid for that, Im going to talk to my agent now,
j/k of course. Wink
any idea where to pick that up sir?



Last edited: Nov 11, 2006 16:17:10

I picked mine up at Best Buy, the day it came the family section.
You can also find it on if you don't want to leave the house.

You and Rob are on screen for just a few brief moments but, I thought you guys might want to know.

It's mostly animated in a style that originates with photos. It has some cool special features, and anyone who is into the Kustom Kar Kulture scene will surely dig it. Have fun!

Kustom Kar Kulture...


Custom Car Culture.

Please lets leave out the KKK acronyms.

I surely meant no offense. I regret if it was taken that way.
Please, enjoy the film.

Kustom Kar Kulture...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Seen the sadies 2 weeks ago (6th time in a yr) and bought the sound track. Cant wait to see the movie and im so happy one of my fav bands did the sound track.

Hey Jake,
although Duff from the Torquays may look like an Arian(sp?)
Nazi, I assure you hes a fun lovin' surfer dude that lives at the beach.
I assume he doesn't indorse or advocate racist ideals.



Dang, I thought this post was about Ray Dennis Steckler´s "Rat Pfink a Boo boo" Laughing

Yeah, the soundtrack with the sadies is awesome!

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