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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Looking ForSF Bay Area Bass Player For Gigs 9/23, 24, and 26

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Voodoo Court is looking for a bass player to play a gig at the Forbidden Island tomorrow night, a party on Friday night, and a Stinson Beach Street Festival on Sunday. There is not much money involved, but anyone playing gets an equal share, including proceeds from CD and T-Shirt sales.

The bass player we were going to use this week has had a family emergency and can't make it. We can do this as a two piece, as we had played as a two piece during the first set of a gig years ago while our bass player was finishing up a jazz gig down the street. We had so much fun teasing and talking about him while he was gone, we were sorry when he showed up (although we would be very happy to have him back now, as he had died a couple of years ago. It would have been great if Gerard could be here to play with us now).

We can practice at my house in Cotati today and tomorrow afternoon if anyone is available. If not, don't be shy about coming to the Forbidden Island to see VC play as a two piece. Who knows, being a two piece may be the way to go. I've played the last several months in my house as a one piece. A two piece is a 100% increase in manpower, or would be if guitar players counted as 100% of a person.

good luck Bill,
have a good gig.


Jump in the car Jeff. It could be the Moby Voodoos.

sorry man,
I'm in no practice shape to sit in for a whole show with anybody.


Thanks to Jeff Turner of Pollo Del Mar for helping us out by playing bass with us this week. This will improve the experience of anyone who makes it to any of the gigs.

Jeff came out to the house tonight to work out some of the songs and is a great guy. Thanks also to Ferenc for linking us up.

Hooray for Jeff Turner, all around great guy! Have a great gig, we'll be in Seattle or I'd stop by.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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