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Permalink For Sale/trade section

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If an item is sold, why isn't the ad deleted?
This would save everyone time from having to look through all the posts to see if the item is still available. In some forum systems I've seen where posts in the buy/sell section are automatically removed after a certain period of time. If the item is still available then it is simply re-posted.

You can't spell CRAP without RAP!

I could set it so that topics that aren't replied to in X days are automatically deleted.

However some people might want to keep them around for discussion.

Either way is fine with me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Historical price info is a valuable tool, IMO.

John Bishop

Isn't the "Gear" section for discussion?
Maybe for "historical" purposes you could move expired posts into some kind of archive section.

You can't spell CRAP without RAP!

No other opinions?

Option 1) Status quo - do nothing
Option 2) Threads that have no replies after X days are deleted (where X may be something like 30 days)

I'm taking about just the For-Sale / Trade forum.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Status Quo, is my vote. Posters should be responsible enough to write "sold" if they sell it. Keeping threads around allows people to see what these guitars are going for.

Status Quo is cool with me too.

Give me reverb or give me death!

As is works,,maybe the seller should add "sold" to the post when it is

Since the category is For Sale, posts/ads should expire in 2 weeks and sold items should be removed. Old selling prices are irrelevant and no one is looking to buy an item that has already been sold. If I go to "For Sale", I expect the items to be for sale. Or you could rename the thread something like, The History of Sold Items and the Changing Value of Guitars and Accessories.

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