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253 days ago

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237 days ago

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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink NY/CT area guitarist looking to start band.

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Hello all - I have tried this before, figured I would give it a go again.

I am looking to start a surf/instro band in the Western Connecticut, New York Metro area. Have my own gear and ready to play. Been playing guitar for 17 years.. surf/instro for the past 3-4 years. Looking to play modern style stuff.. Madeira, Slacktone, Ghastly Ones, Laika, with some nods to the traditional sound.

Any interest, please get in touch! Smile

Hey Matt - FYI a recent post by another surf guitar enthusiast that may interest you:

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Thanks Dick! Peekskill is pretty close. Actually.. I grew up in Yorktown which borders Peekskill. My parents still live there to this day. I will contact the guy and give it a go. Thanks for the find!

Good Luck, Matt. Pay it forward - looks like we need to cultivate some bassists with a thirst for Surf around CT!

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

I can play bass and drums.. but don't have a bass amp or a great bass or a drum kit.. haha. Good luck in your search as well.

Hey Matt - FYI a recent post by another surf guitar enthusiast that may interest you:

Scary use of all caps in his post. I get the feeling he plays loud and may be hard of hearing.
Good luck Matt! Let us know how it goes.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Good call...hmmm.. I was already second guessing my email response to him! Thanks Ferenc!


Hey Matt - FYI a recent post by another surf guitar enthusiast that may interest you:

Scary use of all caps in his post. I get the feeling he plays loud and may be hard of hearing.
Good luck Matt! Let us know how it goes.

That might be, Ferenc... I contacted him and he just wants a bass and drums.. and "maybe" he'll add other instruments later. I offered bringing in a bass player and never heard another word. So that suggests to me that he has Dick Dale/Link Wray aspirations - known by some as L.G.S.S. - Lone Guitar Slinger Syndrome.

Matt.. politely, respectfully. you aren't going to get very far in your endeavors if you can't or won't move your tail to travel out of town/state.

Good Luck, Matt. Pay it forward - looks like we need to cultivate some bassists with a thirst for Surf around CT!

Looks like I have to move to CT to play this kind of instro music.

I have a thirst to play with a little "been there, done that" syndrome.

And if I can just get a jobbie-job on first shift.......

  • Bill M.

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

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