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Permalink Anyone cover Link Wray tunes?

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More specifically "Big City After Dark" anyone tried this one?...or any Link Wray in general? I have the CD "Rumble, "The Best of Link Wray" and this tune is in D. I can't figure out the turn around. D tuning perhaps? It's not likely that Link drop tuned is it? It was '62...?

Any info on "Deuces Wild" would be appreciated too!!

Are the tabs gone from this website? Were there any? I know there have been legal issues with some sites, etc.

Let me hear from you, I'm new here! Very Happy

Link did down-tune sometimes. I don't know either of those songs, but I'll try to work them out sometime when I have more time.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Hey, thanks a lot! Yes, they're fairly straigtforward tunes, I intend to learn both, and I'm simply looking for some insight..

Oh hell I guess I have time now, just watching Seinfeld. Rolling Eyes Not 100% certain on these notes, but they're close. Maybe with our powers combined we can figure the whole thing out. I'll work some more of it out later. This is what I have so far with tuning dropped to D. Due to this forum's font not being equally spaced, you'll have to copy and paste this junk into notepad or something and change the font to something like Courier. Sorry can't think of a better way.




<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Thanks!! You did drop to D then??? I'll do the same and see what I come up with. Great tune!!!

Wraydar, use the code bbcode:

Bracket your tab with [code] and [/code] to get a fixed width font

You can also submit tab using the Submit News feature. Instructions in the site FAQ.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Actually strangley enough my guitar was already tuned to D. Laughing

Brian, I had tried the code bracket, but the tab was so long that it got all tangled up in itself. On another forum I've seen the code command scrolls left and right in it's on little window to remedy this.



<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

I wasn't able to straigten things out either! I tried!!!! Many ways... Dang!!!

Try copying the first tab into Notepad--it reads much better than the coded/uncoded versions in this topic.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Great, idea that works for now! Cool Daddy-O!

I figured out some of "Deuces Wild" not too long ago. Here's the main riff:


Hope this helps,


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Thanks to both Wraydar and CaptainSpringfield! I've got a Setzer Hot Rod tuned down to D and the strings are mighty sloppy. I'm glad the bridge is pinned! Twisted Evil My main amp right now is a '66 Super Reverb. I've got a 2 Ohm Hotplate that works well for tunes like this! I will dive into this over the weekend. What's your instrument and amp of choice these days?

What's your instrument and amp of choice these days?

Sounds like you've got a nice set-up. I have a Yamaha SGV 800:


... and a really crappy, underpowered practice amp.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I've never seen one of those! Bitchin'! Cool

That sounds pretty right on Springfield. Except note that isn't EADGBe. Wink
Link's a total madman on this song, On that first little shred after the first power chords I came up with:


Not much but maybe it could get one of you going in the right direction.

Those Yamaha's are snazzy. I play a jap-tar also, a much less known 4-pickup deal. My amp is "a really crappy, underpowered practice amp" also, a Pignose, but I'm in the process of building a Weber Pro 15".

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Is the Deuce's Wild DGCFAD then? Wraydar, I agree with most of what you're playing as well. I play my turn around slightly different. It's too close to post a different one, so no biggie at all. I'll try to work on other parts ASAP.. My Son turns 1 tomorrow Shocked so I'll be busy partying Cool . Thanks again. What other Way tunes do you guys play?

Wraydar, that's way too long...break it up into multiple're stretching the forums! They can't take it and are gonna blow...! Shocked

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, can't you work a mouse and a six string at the same time!? Rolling Eyes

That sounds pretty right on Springfield. Except note that isn't EADGBe. Wink

Like most things that could have been prvented with a minimal amount of effort, I didn't bother to check after I copied the template from something I tabbed in standard.

Link's a total madman on this song, On that first little shred after the first power chords I came up with:
Not much but maybe it could get one of you going in the right direction.:

I think I had figured out a few of the licks, too, but never got around to tabbing them. Just go wild in A and it'll sound close enough.

What other Way tunes do you guys play?:

Raw Hide, Run Chicken Run (both of which I had tabbed out in the old Yahoo group), Jack the Ripper, Rumble, The Black Widow ... Link's awesome. Outside of the Ramones, I doubt there's anyone I know how to play more songs by--which is both a testament to my horrible ear for learning things and my lack of ability on the instrument. Rolling Eyes


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Gabba Gabba Hey.. God Bless The Ramones, I should have known they'd be popular here! I worked up "We Want the Airwaves" a while ago. Amazing Simplicity.. It's all about the sound, not the technical details.

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