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My band The Taikonauts is currently recording and mixing our first LP. We want to release it on CD and LP.
Can you recommend me someone for the LP mastering ? I heard about Phil Dirt at Reverb Central, do you know other persons ?

Thanks a lot !
TaikoGreetings from France !

Ooh, I'll keep an eye on this, I want to know as well.

There are tons of people locally that can master your CD or LP for you. Mastering is very important, but I wouldn't go as far to say that you need a "surf" guy to do the mastering. Any professional can do the job right for you.

For the CD, I'll do the mastering myself, but for an LP it's more difficult, as this is something special.

In France it's quite hard to find someone to do an LP mastering. If you have guys to recommend in the US or somwhere else, you're welcome... thanks !

I'm not sure about the mastering, but I know some people who can organise the pressing. Poland is cheap and good quality. There is also someone in London I found that can do it - I'll see if I can find their details somewhere in the next couple of days. A tip is to go to some punk shows (the small local ones, not the Green Day type ones!) - a lot of punk bands issue stuff on vinyl and it's usually independent and accessible. Have a look at the merchandise stand and ask where and how they got their vinyl done (if there's vinyl there!)

Europe presses a lot more vinyl, and a lot of stuff made for the US gets pressed there. Also, look to England or Germany if you can't find anybody in France.

Yes, pressing is easy. Almost every LP is pressed by GZ in Czech Republic, 95% of the european sellers work with them. There are only two or three French fabricants left, and they are more expensive.

What I'm looking for is someone to do the LP mastering... Smile

I meant look to England or Germany for mastering.

There's a place here in Columbus, OH that presses vinyl, and is also a full-service record/mastering facility.

I don't have any personal experience with them, but a guy I know was very pleased with them, so they'd be worth checking into for anything vinyl.

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I heard that Pete Curry sometimes does mastering. But you should be able to find someone locally who can do it. I would recommend being in the room with whomever you find, rather than sending it away. Avoid having the person who mixed it also doing the mastering.

I would recommend being in the room with whomever you find, rather than sending it away..


Hmmm i think you're wright, "spskins" (I love SP, thanks !! Very Happy ), being in the room for the mastering would be the best. Hope I'll find someone here...

Another question... do you think it can be OK to do the LP pressing without a "professional" mastering ? Does someone here have some experience in making an LP ?
Thanks !

Another question... do you think it can be OK to do the LP pressing without a "professional" mastering ? Does someone here have some experience in making an LP ?
Thanks !

I wouldn't do that. Also if you're serious with the cd/digital format get a professional mastering there as well. A good mastering proces can really make wonders!

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If you are getting LPs pressed for the superiority audio fidelity then not having it mastered professionally defeats the purpose.

If you are good at mastering and really understand the fundamentals, then go for it.

Another question... do you think it can be OK to do the LP pressing without a "professional" mastering ? !

That would be a bad move and and you may end up with a disc that cannot be played. In fact back in the day it usually took several attempts to get it right even with professional mastering. Trust me ... I'm old enough to know Wink

Because an LP depends on a "groove" to make it work, phasing is critical. It is quite possible to record on tape or digitally material that would need to be a "peak" rather than a "groove" ... which is of course impossible for an LP. Often elements of the sound have to be changed just so the record can track the needle.

CD's on the other hand can handle this, so CD mastering is really a matter of "taste" (after the basic housekeeping is achieved)

Often elements of the sound have to be changed just so the record can track the needle.

This is very true - I remember a friends band from school had to have their single cut three times as the bass was so prominent the needle kept jumping out of the groove!

vinyl mastering requires something called "elliptical eq": it means that all the frequencies below 400 hertz MUST be mixed in mono
I tried to do this with cubase audio by mixing different busses but it's quite a mess Cry

anyway, these guys did an excellent job with my 7" 3D ROBOT MONSTER
check this link

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Hi guys,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been very busy with the mix/mastering.
Thanks a lot for your messages.

So... Our CD mastering is OK. We choose to not compress the sound, even if there's a little bit less loudness.

I'm finishing the LP mix/mastering. All the low frequencies are in mono under 300 khz. I also removed all the frequencies under 50 hz and above 16 khz.

I still have a little bit work on the phasing, but it's nearly OK. It seems almost impossible no absolutely never be out of phase. It happens very briefly sometimes.

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