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Anybody use AUDACITY for WAV & MP3 editing? -

A friend of mine said it's a good free program, but I wanted to check around before "down-loading"?


I used it to create the 1st sg101 podcast. I also used it to slow down and loop over parts to learn songs on the guitar.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

yes I use Audacity all the time. Great free program for editing, looping and repeating songs that you want to learn. Give it a try.

I think Audacity is pretty good for basic stuff - minor editing, podcasting, etc. In fact, I'm using it right now to remove background noise from some videos I shot for work.

But, for "music production" I find it to be too rudimentary and clunky. I'm a big fan of reaper (, which is available for download (free unlimited trial, $65 to purchase... totally worth it).

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Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 06:42:44

It's good for the price (free). I used it in all 4 of my video projects. There were some stability issues in Ubuntu Linux, but it recovers well when it does crash. This usually only happens when you have craploads of tracks, i.e., 20+, though I don't know if this happens in Windows as much.

I'll be using MixCraft for the next one though (not free). I'm going to be using Windows 7 for a bit and wanted a more "Garageband" experience.


I use Audacity for recording and Mixcraft for mastering and effects. Mixcraft allows you to listen to the effects in real time and Audacity doesn't so it is easier to tweak because you don't have to keep applying the effect and going back to see if it is what you want. As soon as I am able to upgrade computers I will use Mixcraft for everything.
Ocean Blvd. Song

I use audacity to copy LPs to my pc, then to cd.

It's got its limitations, but it's definitely worth downloading

Another plug for Reaper. Can't recommend it enough. It's a modern DAW with all the features you can imagine, extreme tweakability and amazing support/community.

The demo download is the program itself, including great basic plug-ins to get started- no limiting on anything, except a 5 sec' nag after 30 days of use. Well worth the buy -it's the most complete package at the best price (60$ for a non-professional -i.e. non mixing engineer/studio license).

I use Ableton live to produce my music and i save the project from ableton live as a wav file.

than i use AUDACITY to convert the wav file to an mp3 so i can mail it to someone.

wav file is 10 times bigger than an mp3

Blok wrote:

I use Ableton live to produce my music and i save the
project from ableton live as a wav file.

than i use AUDACITY to convert the wav file to an mp3
so i can mail it to someone.

wav file is 10 times bigger than an mp3 too..great tools

Hmm I have been using Audacity since I started playing guitar about 3 years ago now. It has been a great entry level program for learning basic recording into a computer... before that was the old 4 track stuff, etc... I am going to try Reaper on this computer.. which is having problem.. the onboard audio is on it's way out I think, so Audacity was locking up on it... I hope it will run on here, or will have wasted a trial version Uh-Oh

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