In my alter-ego software engineering persona, I've been doing some work for a company called IndieProMix. It's a collective of top notch music mixers who provide major label mixes at indie prices. We're doing a contest now to give away either a Mesa/Boogie TA-15 Transatlantic head or a song mix. Granted, entering the contest means we'll send you marketing offers in the future, but we don't abuse the privilege. Anyway, thought some of you here might be interested regardless.
You can enter the contest and learn more about indiepromix at their website:
PS. I hope this is OK to post - I know it's marketing, but it seemed to me that if someone here could win an amp or a song mix it might ok. I figured I would want to know, only I'm not eligible since I worked on the contest, so maybe some like-minded surf-nik might be game. If this is not OK, please accept my apologies.