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Permalink carl martin surf trem, danelectro spring king

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surf trem has a couple scratches but everything works great, sounds fantastic, i just got an amp with trem though, so dont need the pedal - SOLD

danelectro spring king is in pretty much new condition, nice beginner reverb pedal with with acual spring tank inside - SOLD

pics as soon as i get an adapter to load them

Last edited: Oct 29, 2006 16:25:57

Does yours eat batteries?


never used batteries, always plug in

does NOT eat batteries. I own one as well and only used 9 volts. You get good life.

Hmmmm... Mine has used 3 batteries in about 1 hour of playing over a 3 day period. Yes I shut it off after use & the batteries were new Duracells. After leaving it off over night I found the batteries were dead next time I turned it on. Sounds great with a fresh battery on board.

my surftrem seems to be doing okay in the battery department. mine has had the same battery in it for weeks...i've been playin' on it maybe 2-3 hours each week. do you unplug your surftrem from all the guitar cables when not in use? i do.

Like Tom said always unplug all cables from a pedal when not using it.
and if your going to be playing in your garage most the time, it would be easy and wise to invest in a power cord adapter.

who did you buy the peadl from, if it was used, maybe thats why they were selling it, the battery consumption issue.



It was purchased new. I'll try unplugging & see what happens.

this is completly off topic, but a stabalized wallwart costs roughly the same as 2 batteries. I haven't bought a 9v battery in years, I still have the few I got with pedals I bought.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I started unplugging my surf trem & the battery has survived 3 days now. I highly recommend the surf trem. Someone buy it fast...

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