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Permalink Is this band name taken?

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I was thinking of naming my band 'SurfQuake!' but Im not sure if its taken. Ive googled it and all that comes up is The Tornados album or song called surfquake and I think DeadMansCurve does a song called surfquake.

The Volcanos from Detroit have a CD called Surf Quake.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


The Volcanos

OK Maybe I wont use the name Surfquake!; I thought it would be cool because the band members would be 'Magnitude'(Lead Guitar), 'Epicenter'(Drums), 'Hypocenter'(Bass) and 'Aftershock'(Rythm Guitar)

Im thinking now of calling it 'Triple Overhead'
I know there is a band in North Carolina called 'Triple Overhead Cam' but that is a car term so screw 'em...

Don't know if I'm too late to weigh in here, or not, but I'd think the bands that have a song/album called SurfQuake would appreciate the homage in it becoming a band name. And your band wouldn't be the first to do so (although examples are escaping me, as I type this). As for any "worry" about naming a band Triple Overhead 'cause it's a car term, there's really no worry there, as car/hot rod/drag racing happens fall within the realm of surf because it's typically surf bands that name songs and albums as such. The Volcanos, mentioned by Brian, have an album called Finish Line Fever.

When I start recording as a one-man-band, my "band" name will be an allusion to both a Grateful Dead song, and a Syd Barrett song. I don't know, when/if I actually form a band, if future perspective bandmates would go for simply appending my "band" name with an S, to pluralize it, but I'll worry about that when I get there.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Don't know if I'm too late to weigh in here, or not, but I'd think the bands that have a song/album called SurfQuake would appreciate the homage in it becoming a band name. And your band wouldn't be the first to do so (although examples are escaping me, as I type this). As for any "worry" about naming a band Triple Overhead 'cause it's a car term, there's really no worry there, as car/hot rod/drag racing happens fall within the realm of surf because it's typically surf bands that name songs and albums as such. The Volcanos, mentioned by Brian, have an album called Finish Line Fever.


Our band is called The Flowmasters, a hotrod-ish name but we are a surf band. The name came from the exhaust of my still beautiful 1968 Camaro convertible, but what could be more "california surf" than such a car? I must say I'm always blown away by the coolness and originality of most surf bands names, especially all the permutations with the word "tone" and "surfers", etc. I think that this invetiveness is a signature of surf music; a sense of humor and camaraderie, a witt and self image that is serene as it is energetic and wild. Compared to the stagnant museum-like conservatism of my 'ol rockabilly scene, surf bands (vis-a-vis their names) are charismatic and evocative of free spirits, like they are all comfortable with themselves.

Damn straight. My only gripe is that most of us don't actually surf. Well, I do windsurf (and well) but I doubt that qualifies Smile

"The Torquays" named themselves after the song "Torquay".


Our band is called The Flowmasters, a hotrod-ish name but we are a surf band. The name came from the exhaust of my still beautiful 1968 Camaro convertible, but what could be more "california surf" than such a car?

a woody?

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

When El Ray named themselves after one of our songs and recorded it, we were quite honored. And as you've seen, it's somewhat of a surf/instrumental tradition even going back to the Fireballs taking their name from Great Balls of Fire in pre-surf up to the Bomboras and Torquays as mentioned.

Our band is called The Flowmasters, a hotrod-ish name but we are a surf band. The name came from the exhaust of my still beautiful 1968 Camaro convertible, but what could be more "california surf" than such a car?

a woody?

Or a Nomad, Willys or even a GTO.

Anyone going by The Edsels?


Our band is called The Flowmasters, a hotrod-ish name but we are a surf band. The name came from the exhaust of my still beautiful 1968 Camaro convertible, but what could be more "california surf" than such a car?

a woody?

Or a Nomad, Willys or even a GTO.

Anyone going by The Edsels?

Aside from Flowmaster being a auto part. It could be used to describe someone who surf with a zen like fluidness or with a soulful style. Like Gerry Lopez at Pipeline in the late 70's and early 80's. Mickey Dora in the 60's or Joel Tudor of the modern day longboard set. Tom Curren, Kelly Slater and the list goes on in the world of surfing.

So, Flowmasters is still a very surf-like term.


Anyone called -

The RipCurls

The Wedge's (or 'The Wedgies') ouch


The ShoreBreaks


Wonder what I could do with something like Falcon or Pinto?

My Falcon is a 1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon van (Ford fancyfied their Econolines, from 1961 - 1967), and my Pinto is a 1980 Ford Pinto wagon. The van will get a rockabilly/surf/tiki treatment, when I get around to starting a restification on it, and somewhere along the line I may look into replacing the plain Jane Pinto wagon with a Pinto Cruisin' Wagon (with the round porthole quarter windows). A Pinto Cruisin' Wagon would be a better "palette" for a surf treatment, than the regular wagon.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

I think there was a rip curls but not positive.

There was a Wedge from the 80's on some of the Rhino records comps and records. They were kinda rock meets surf.
and there was a Wedge here in LA OC area that was a DD tribute band, but they called it quits around 2000. Really good DD sound.

There is a Euro Instro sounding band from Canada called the Falcons.



I still think "Dude!" would be a great band name because it can mean a thousand different things...or in your case (Jeff) you can be Big Tiki and the Dudes.

that is really funny, and a good idea, but somebody a few years ago
had already told me that one.

Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink


call your selves "The Is this band name taken?s" and you can be absolutly sure the answer is no.

not much surfvibe though I admit

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


Our band is called The Flowmasters, a hotrod-ish name but we are a surf band. The name came from the exhaust of my still beautiful 1968 Camaro convertible, but what could be more "california surf" than such a car?

a woody?

Or a Nomad, Willys or even a GTO.

Anyone going by The Edsels?


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

The Quakers?

Quake Surf?

... I'd think the bands that have a song/album called SurfQuake would appreciate the homage in it becoming a band name. And your band wouldn't be the first to do so (although examples are escaping me, as I type this). ...

Bomboras. Surf Riders. Would Penetrators count?

Three Balls of Fire comes pretty close, too, and though both the reference and the band are out of the genre, the Pretty Things.

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