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Permalink Dave Wronski Video Test

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Not working for me Cry Time already up?

Me neither.

Los Fantasticos


Not working for me Cry Time already up?

Me neither.

Don't copy/paste a blank space into the password box.

Edit: It does seem like we are locked out now.
I didn't get to see it as i can't bare Quicktime for Windows. about trying to take over your system!!

oh man locked out, I would love to see this...

I can't get in either! ;-(

Just tried, both copy/pasting and hand typing the user/pass in, with no luck.

Hopefully it'll be back up soon!

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OK, I'll leave it up a couple more days. Same loggin: User: surfguitar Password: udoitnow
Thanks for the interest... someday I'll do all this right!

Very cool. Thanks Dave.


Thanks Dave, that was great !!

thanks guys, hope it helps you in some way.

Thanks Dave for the access! Very cool! Someday I hope I can play something like that!

I need some help with the hard part.

Nice, Dave! Thanks for reposting - great tone, great playing.

Looks like I have a homework assignment...

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I need some help with the hard part.

So do I. Looking at the cd track, I'm having real difficulty with the section from timestamp 0:00 through 4:13. ROTFL

Dave...first, THANK YOU!!!!!!!....second, how long will you have this up, and what are your plans?? It's going to be a while before I get brave enough to try, much less get through it.

(and can I put a plug in for Rell Sunn Aloha as the next one????? Very Happy )


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

That's pretty funny! You know, the bad video quality makes it hard for me to see what's going on, and I'm the one who played it. At least it will show the general positions used. On the guitar, there are many ways to play the same melody. For me the position used is chosen from the aspect of what I have to play next, and will I be able to seamlessly get to it in the context of the entire melodic passage. Get into your head the labels for positions. I learned these from the book "Styles For The Studio", by Leon White. The "4E" position is, fourth finger, E string. "2A" is second finger "A" string, etc. Tricks to move seamlessly through a melody can employ maybe using one open string for one note{Chet Atkins}, giving you time to change position to continue through the passage. Another is putting your thumb over the fretboard to grab a bass note while changing position. Another is using a "pinch"... high, and low note together for different effects. I'm probably using all these somewhere in there. Also, when you write something, you don't have to fill every space with a note! Idea

... to answer you, if I get my act together, like get a proper camera, etc., I'll attempt to do this better. The bigger picture would be to get into talking about sounds, amps, and all the various things I've come to know through the generosity of friends, and banging my head against the wall for so many years. Rosarito 3-Day, and Rell Sunn, I will keep in mind for the near future stuff. Thanks!

...and, later today i intend to pull the plug...

Don't forget TIDAL WAVE. Would love to see your fingering on that one.
thanks again Dave.

Dave ,
I knew when I saw you at the first SG101 convention that you were someone special to music. You have proven this and more with your generosity.
Thank you.

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