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Permalink What Are Your Reverb Tank Settings

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So I've been enjoying the heck out of my G-spring, playing around with settings. What settings do you use most often on your verb tank?

100% Dwell and 100% Mix puts the guitar too far back in the overall mix in my experience. Do you leave dwell at 100% and back off the mix to 5 or so, or do you back both the dwell and mix to 5-6 range? Or, do you back down all the other instruments in the mix and leave them maxed?

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I have the same tank; I always just leave it at 6-6-6.


I have the same tank; I always just leave it at 6-6-6.


Good starting point, then adjust as needed from there.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF


formerly SvD, bots.... member since 2006. Same game different name!

I tend to keep the dwell on 6 and adjust the mix depending on the song. Anywhere from 2 (eleki) to 6 (drip). I tweak the tone depending on the room. Anywhere from 4 to 6.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

4.5-4.5-4.5, then adjust the mix to between 4.5 & 6 depending on room and song.

My Fender reissue is set somewhere between 5-5-5 and 7-7-7 depending on the situation. I'll leave it set the same for an entire gig. When I'm recording I'll change the settings for each song to change up the sonic palette.


Canadian Surf

I usually begin with Reverb-of-the-Beast settings: 6-6-6

Sometimes, If I'm super-treble-bite-rhythm player I will adjust to 5-5-5..

Sometimes for recording, I set it to the Lucky-Las Vegas: 7-7-7

It is is the number of a man 6, 6, 6. Yes, reverb is a Beast. Smile (Sorry, I can't nelp myself.)

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

3-6-4 on my Fender Reissue Tank with the Accutronics three spring tank in it.



I've been playing 10-4-4 with my Guild T-100 lately. Sounds nice and big at that point.

wow thats fucking weird my unit only sounds good with the dwell at about 5 and the mix and tone all the way up! maybe theres something wrong with my unit. After one of the springs came off my pan i put an old Gibbs pan on there put now i have to have everything at 10 and it really overdrives my guitar, i kinda like that sound i get out of it but only for certain songs. just got a new Accutronics Pan Today, hopefully it fixes this 10 10 10 problem.




Combo Tezeta IG

I used to use the 6-6-6 settings, but I got really harsh high tones. Even after I modified the reverb unit (new tubes, capacitator switch). So I turn the Tone switch way back (to 3) and also the mix somewhat. I use a reissue AM jaguar, maybe it has something to do with the jaguar pickups.

The Surfaders official website

I could never turn the tone control on the Fender reissue past "3" before it got really piercing highs, even with a cap mod and changed tubes!/rockinrio.delrosa!/TheHighTides!/pages/The-Blue-Demons

wow thats fucking weird my unit only sounds good with the dwell at about 5 and the mix and tone all the way up! maybe theres something wrong with my unit. After one of the springs came off my pan i put an old Gibbs pan on there put now i have to have everything at 10 and it really overdrives my guitar, i kinda like that sound i get out of it but only for certain songs. just got a new Accutronics Pan Today, hopefully it fixes this 10 10 10 problem.

maybe the pan lock bar is unknowingly's happened to me before...

Last night I got down to cases with my vintage 1962 tank and arrived at THIS as the optimum base setting for my rig. When I want severe Baja type drip, I simply advance the mixer. If I need to play regular instrumentals with only ambiant reverb, I dial the mixer back to about 3. Works perfectly.

But THIS setting is just ideal for surf songs that don't really need palm-muting and full drip, such as 'Surf Rider'...etc.

Thank you. Goodbye. Cool



the Undead Bureaucrats

The Rum Sweats

Dwell and mix very high 8 to 10
Tone very low....usually 2 for strat maybe 3 for the jazzmaster...even then I have plenty of treble

Last edited: Jul 01, 2013 19:39:10

My base setting is usually 6-6-6. I reduce the mix to 4 for slower ballad type tunes, maybe 3 for dryer eleki stuff, and 0 when fuzz is engaged

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Fender RI with MOD tank and all the mods,
I set to 4, 5, 5 any more and it starts to get lost. Its not the big big reverb tone of some recordings but gets very respectable surf tone

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

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