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Permalink Hey, you got your Wedge in my Banzai Washout!

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Two classics that taste great together. My latest endeavor is a Banzai/Wedge medley, inspired mostly by the Dick Dale & Jon and the Nightriders versions of Banzai Washout, and the Surf Trio and Bambi Molesters versions of the Wedge. I've hopefully also put a little of myself in there to make it a bit more unique.

Same equipment as last time (SGV800 + Gomez Sonido/G-Spring), with the addition of a Cool Cat transparent overdrive, an MXR Carbon Copy, and a REAL BASS! (MIM Fender P-Bass) I did some sampling of the original DD recordings for part of the drum track, and also put my drum machine through a tank in an attempt to help it sound more acoustic. And speaking of tanks, I'll confess there was some shameless tank abuse, so be warned. Anyway, feel free to critique anything, I'm always trying to improve.

Banzai Washout & The Wedge


Nice mix,

thanks for sharing.


Nice job, nice gear. That makes me want to make a video, we have a new video camera and Final Cut Pro at home just waiting to be abused.
Another one-man surf band, we should start a club.

Nice job, Morphball. When The Wedge dropped in, I had to say "Hell Yeah!". The tank kick was a nice touch as well. Cool


Nice work Morphball!

The Secret Samurai Website
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Thanks everyone! I say fire up the editor, Doug...


wow excellent job Morphball!!! NICE!!!

Great Job, I really enjoyed that one. Those songs go together quite nicely.

...totally digging the video! great sound!

ps: the Jazz bass interlude warmed my heart...nice touch!

The noble bass just doesn't get the respect it deserves. Smile


Man, that was really cool - I've watched it several times throughout the day. You did a great job, both musically, sonically, and visually. The reverb kick was perfect! I liked that Ratfink got knocked off his perch.

When you video it, do you do the whole song with each angle? What software did you use for editing the video?

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Really nicely done. You sure switch instruments fast! ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sonichris- I use Adobe Premiere; I haven't found anything else for the PC that does the job really well for music videos, where you have to exactly sync audio with multiple clips. I usually do a few takes of the full shot first, playing the whole song through with my pre-recorded audio, and use the one with the least mistakes as a base video. I then decide which closeups I want, and record them as separate clips... I usually loop the audio for the parts and play it over and over until I've nailed it exactly as I recorded it, then add the winning clip over the base. Then comes filming any optional clips (tank-kick and bass line in this case), and finally any intro/mid/endtro images get added to the timeline. (These are just JPG's created in Gimp, a free Photoshop alternative, but most video editors have lettering capabilities... I just like doing it this way.)

If you have more specific questions about rendering, lighting, etc., I'd be happy to share what I've learned.

Really nicely done. You sure switch instruments fast! ;)

Laughing I've actually cloned myself.


Nice job, nice gear. That makes me want to make a video, we have a new video camera and Final Cut Pro at home just waiting to be abused.
Another one-man surf band, we should start a club.

I'd really like to work with you on this someday...I have videdit experience with Adobe Premier...maybe we can make some cool "play guitar with..." video?


Nice job, nice gear. That makes me want to make a video, we have a new video camera and Final Cut Pro at home just waiting to be abused.
Another one-man surf band, we should start a club.

I'd really like to work with you on this someday...I have videdit experience with Adobe Premier...maybe we can make some cool "play guitar with..." video?

I wouldn't mind getting in on that action too... shit, light bulb appearing... wouldn't it be kinda sweet to do a joint SG101 video? i.e., provide a backing track for all of those interested, they send a short clip back to those of us with DV skills, and then CRASH instant youtube sensation? Laughing


Off Topic ----> I found my rad ass hoodie!!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist Razz


Off Topic ----> I found my rad ass hoodie!!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist Razz

Fucking yes! Fucking yes! Fucking yes!




Nice job, nice gear. That makes me want to make a video, we have a new video camera and Final Cut Pro at home just waiting to be abused.
Another one-man surf band, we should start a club.

I'd really like to work with you on this someday...I have videdit experience with Adobe Premier...maybe we can make some cool "play guitar with..." video?

I wouldn't mind getting in on that action too... shit, light bulb appearing... wouldn't it be kinda sweet to do a joint SG101 video? i.e., provide a backing track for all of those interested, they send a short clip back to those of us with DV skills, and then CRASH instant youtube sensation? Laughing

yes... I'm down with the collab-surf-vid...sounds righteous...I wonder if oestman would be interested?

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