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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink what's your favorite style of surf?

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well, the way i see it, there are 2 different styles of surf.

the "california" surf sound, its more "heavy" and uses more tremolo picking and mainly on the lower strings. an example would be dick dale.


the "hawaii" surf sound, it has more string changes, and is sometimes slower. an example of this would be the surfaris.

i dont even really know if anyone here will agree with me as far as my ideas go, or maybe someone can correct me or give clearer examples.

but i was just wondering which sound people like more.

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The Tremblors on MySpace!

I think it is a pretty fair question. I don't just see two styles though.
I see as far as stlyes go we have what I refer to as

DD stlye tremelo picking only. ( Mediteraian sounding.)

California stlye, cut and run style...The chanteys, Pyramids,the surfaris the Tornados, the marketts,, etc. you get the picture.

California style, vocals ie. beach boys, Jan & Dean.... yeah I know...

hawaiian stlyle, slow dreamy (steel guitar)
Ya know I dont think I could get all the different styles in this thread, so I'm gonna stop here.
One thing for sure. It's ALL SURF music
The rest of the gang is sure to supply more.

and of course there's the Colorado Style like the Astronauts: with multiple Fender guitars and mucho reverb "booch"...

and the Slovenian Style like the BitchBoys: tons of high-energy Eastern-European-themed guitar attack

i knew that the surfaris were from cali, but they have a more "hawaiian" sound to me at times. that's why i labeled them such.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

If you want to get nitpicky, you could subcategorize surf on and on. But I don't want to, so I'll be the first to answer the question. Very generally, I like all surf (unless you actually are going to include vocals), but I prefer the progressive over the traditional.
Within that vein, I really like the the exotic, high-speed, hyper-melodic style of the Bitch Boys, Madeira, and old Dick Dale. But I most often go for the big aural extravaganza of the envelope twisters like the Mermen and Pollo Del Mar.

Then I'd say there's Space Style, echo-heavy like the Atlantics.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

fast energetic, spacey sounding surf.

Science friction burns my fingers.

I enjoy reverberated instrumental surf tunes.

The only distinction I make is surf instrumental and surfin' song.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

It's all good here. Some bands are better than others.

Fast and loud.


I enjoy reverberated instrumental surf tunes.

That about sums it up for me too. Cool


I enjoy reverberated instrumental surf tunes.

dripping wet.....

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty


I enjoy reverberated instrumental surf tunes.

dripping wet.....

wait are we talking about surf here?
oh sorry I'll get my mind outta the gutter.

back to the topic,
also country/ Spaghetti Western style surf
Spy, james bond etc...
Go-Go insppired surf ala the Tiki Tones.
and Im sure there are more Im not thinking of.



back to the topic,
also country/ Spaghetti Western style surf
Spy, james bond etc...
Go-Go insppired surf ala the Tiki Tones.
and Im sure there are more Im not thinking of.


You've got me hooked on more of the Spaghetti Western stuff. I used to not be much of a fan.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

If it has a great melody, a bad-assed drummer, and a decent guitar player, then I am open for anything. I just don't like surf that is too sweet or too primitive. And I DO think there is such a thing as too much Reverb!


And I DO think there is such a thing as too much Reverb!

That may be true Tom, but I've never heard it live. only on a cd
that Baja Marty has. It was Wild Sammy, and Royaltones.

I don't know if it was recorded live or what but it sounded like the reverb was on 10 and very trashy/garagy sounding.

other than that, I have never heard too much reverb.


stuff gets smeary, I think reverb is over-used a lot. I think I just have to agree to dissagree with virtually everybody on the forum on this... IT's Just my opinion. The best user of reverb in my opinion is Jim Thomas. The effect of a dry passage in a song that has dripped up to that point is startling. He uses it like a weapon.


fast heavy DD style--lots of thick drippy reverb----thundering drums and pounding bass line Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy but i like the other stuff as well Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

fast energetic, spacey sounding surf.

my thoughts exactly. High energy is key!

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