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dp: dude
237 days ago

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192 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
177 days ago

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128 days ago

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thanks for doing all of this,
I know its a lot of work.
but it is great to have it all documented.

If you can come out for this years convention.
I will make sure that you are closer if you want.
and try to get some more light in there.


Thanks you for setting up the show! I know it was a lot of work and it is really appreciated! I just uploaded Verbtones today! There were 2 songs I could not name, I will wait a while until I remember. I can't find my Reventlos tape! I do have the one from the Pier Show! Should I do the Jam next or Pier Show?

Hey I found the Reventlos and the Detonators last night! I also digitized the Jam session! Hopefully I will have them up soon. I will need help on the names of the songs again. I have been putting the band and song name in the video. The problem wit that is that i have to upload them again for the songs I don't know. Sorry to those who subscribed to my stuff. I figure if someone rips the video from Youtube they will know the song and who played it.

Guy, you can edit the names of the videos without re-uploading!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

But I put the name in the video and in the text! I could just post all of the videos without the song titles, but then if someone embeds it in their web page then no one would know who the band is or the name of the song. If you think it is better not to have titles and stuff in the video, then I would not have to reload.

Guy, I don't understand. You can edit the video title and description at any time. The people who embed will see your changes.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I could edit the text on youtube with no problem. But watch one of my videos and you will see that the group name, song name and the SG101 Convention 2009 is all part of each video in the first few seconds. I have to edit the video in my video editor to change the name of the song. If I were to not include the title of the song in the actual video, I would not have to upload it after editing the video. If I do not include the information in the video then anyone who downloads a copy or when it is embeded on their web page would not see the text information on or the information that is part of the video.

OOOOOOOOOOh. I finally understand. Duh

Yeah that's a tough call. YouTube does add a flash overlay of the video title on the video. So that would take care of embedders. It just depends on how far you want to cater to people who download it from YouTube. I bet that is only a very small percent of YouTube viewers though.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I put up a few Detonators songs this evening!

It is quite the problem to have, to try and figure out how to make links to a couple dozen surf videos! Thanks Guy!

Well, the low tech hard way to do this - what I assume everyone is talking about - is to cut and paste the titles and use the Forum URL tool thing to link to each video. That would produce nicer results probably, but there is another approach.

You have to have a channel/account to do it, but once you have an account you can build a YouTube playlist. The playlist has its own unique URL. In your video list page besides uploading new videos and editing the fields for one you have up already you can also make a playlist (name, comments, etc.) and then you can add your own videos or other people's to it. For you own clips you use the video editing page, which has a set of check boxes and an add to playlist button. For other people clips you use a button under the video display window.

The hitch with that approach is that you get a single URL for the whole list and you have to go to that URL to get the ability to see a table of contents and scroll around in it, etc. Maybe somebody has a tool that builds clickable TOC pages for YouTube playlists? Sounds like a reasonable Firefox add-on.

I think there is also a way to change the order of cuts in a playlist, but there I am a bit vague.

I built a playlist for the Boardwalker stuff at

plus some stuff from other sites. I had to rebuild it when the clips were reloaded in improved form, of course, but that's not very hard.

OK, more to the point, here is MWSG's Boardwalkers playlist:

I would swear that there is a way to produce a link that points just to the playlist with a generic YouTube frame. At the moment, not logged in, I can't see how to do that.

Last edited: Mar 29, 2010 17:02:58

I put up a few Detonators songs this evening!

And some nice Verbtones.

I finally saw most of these, loved them all, but I must say DAMN Ryan was on fire... really technical playing, and generally just a tight performance by SS. Good work everyone, I feel like a complete tool for missing these.


I finally saw most of these, loved them all, but I must say DAMN Ryan was on fire... really technical playing, and generally just a tight performance by SS. Good work everyone, I feel like a complete tool for missing these.

well you can correct that by coming to this years convention.
Sat. Aug. 7th.


I feel like a complete tool for missing these.

Then you can imagine how I felt, seeing as I live less than an hour away and managed to book my family's one vacation of the summer on THAT weekend - not my finest hour.

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

I finally saw most of these, loved them all, but I must say DAMN Ryan was on fire... really technical playing, and generally just a tight performance by SS

Thanks morphball! The fire was extinguished though on my epic flub during Truthtrance Laughing

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Thanks morphball! The fire was extinguished though on my epic flub during Truthtrance Laughing

No way, that was just a very rare Phrygian-related scale (West-side Kurdish) that was only rediscovered last year...


I just put up a few more videos from the convention! Folks were saying they wanted the URLS to make it easier... So here you go!

Mr. Moto

Depth Charge

The Reventlos - Do The Bogle

The Reventlos - Planet Reventlo

The Reventlos - Saturday

The Reventlos - Under Western Stars


It would be nice if we could get someone to film the event and make DVDs for purchase.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Here is the latest batch of uploads. I need help with the names of some of these songs.

The Reventlos - Ride With The Reventlos

The Reventlos - Song1

The Reventlos -Song 2

The Verbtones - Song 1

The Verbtones - Song 2


thanks for these.
Song 1 by the Reventlos is El Pendejo (sp?)

and I sent a e-mail to Matt, and Kyle to chime in and help with song titles.


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