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Permalink The Terrortones , DEMO Song online

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Hey we did a Demo Song last week.

Recorded in a very Simple Way, just one mic for Drums but i think the Qualy isnt bad.

check it out.

sorry for the mistakes,but we played together that means that this is like a rehearsal direct recording. Rehearsal with Headphones hehe


We're still workin on our record..


Hi Felix, since you don't invite us to comment on your new demo on the German surfmusic forum, here's my reply in english ;-).

I think the song is great and a vast improvement from your earlier songs - but I mentioned this already on the occasion of your demonstrating your new strat on youtube. The song itself is obviously heavily influenced by The Madeira - which definitely is not a bad thing. There are only some minor points of critique which I hope you won't find offending - since you asked for critique you'll get it :).

First: I think the opening gimmick with Beethovens da-da-da-daa is somewhat unnecessary. The song itself is so good it doesn't need any gimmicks. Second: For my taste the bass runs a bit too much in parallel with the melody line of the guitar. Going downward in the bassline when the guitar line goes up and vice versa might improve the overall texture of the song, especially as there is no rhythm guitar which fills up the sound. And the third and last point: Coming back from the middle part of the song lacks a bit of tension. Around 1:50 to 2.00 the bass seems to be a bit lost what to play; and the guitar line just fizzles somewhat out before the reoccurance of the main theme at 2.12. Here some reworking to build up tension before jumping again into the main theme might improve the song.

Mind you: This demo is great, no doubt about that. And it works well as it is - but since you asked for some opinion, I just threw my thoughts, which you might as well ignore.

Hi Felix, since you don't invite us to comment on your new demo on the German surfmusic forum, here's my reply in english ;-).


thank you very much for respond. I wrote it in the Forum but nobody answered ... ?!

Well, its only a Demo Song, i have not finished the solo yet... the first two parts are okay, and i'm workin on the second part. Smile

I pesonally think that the beethoven intro is very good start into this song ;) and, yes your right: the bassline is not perfect.

Thank you for you feedback - we will work on that problems.

thanks Smile


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