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Permalink How Exactly do you WRITE this stuff?

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Ferenc on Songwriting

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Duuuuuude! Angel Thumbs Up



Yeah, that's always what I hearken back to. As I recall, it was actually a response to a similar question which I'd posed to the yahoo group some years back when I started. In many ways, that's a lot of why I wanted to add my two cents in this thread -- I remember how much help that was to me at the time.


if you are new, and which by the way, new to the forum here folks!, anyway, new to surf like i was not too long ago, just write a song like you would normally, chord prog. first then come up with a melody and play it with the guitar rather than sing it. it works every time and its awesome!

get coosta mingy!!!

rent lots of late 60s italian and euro influenced movies. Fun ones, not dark ones... Between songs provide your own soundtrack by whistling. You'll come up with any number of hooks... It's not just the music, but once you've absorbed the music and combined it with the surf music in your head, even the visuals, clothes, hair, everything just puts me in a certain headspace...

There's a lot of inspiration to be found in traditional folk songs, particularly the melody & structure. Talip Ozkan from Turkey plays an instrument called a saz and I'm surprised his songs haven't been covered by a surf band yet.

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