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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Musician »

Permalink Looking for your comments on this new surf original

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Hello everyone,
The Royal Aces would certainly welcome any comments from Surf Nation regarding our new original, "The Spy". For our upcoming album, we are purposely aiming for a raw, low-tech, basement party sound, and we are hoping that this song captures that feel.

Thanks for any input - it's in the list of songs on our site at

Last edited: Nov 03, 2009 13:24:29


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Just need to remove the period from the end of the link. Here ya go:

I think you guys nailed the raw sound really well. Dig it.


My mistake on that period at the end! But thanks for listening to the tune...

I like it.

Go! Tsunami

its GOOD!

Pretty good stuff you got there.

_The Spy _was the one I liked best on your MySpace, but enjoyed 'em all.

The progressions throughout this tune took me slightly by surprise, it has a kind of swell to the sound too. Hope that makes sense. I like The Spy very much.

I really appreciate the comments - your thoughts help me to evaluate whether we're going in a good direction with what we're doing.

I really like The Spy too.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Nice work!

First songs intro was a little slow imho, but once it got started I liked it.

"The Spy" is most cool!

I liked Shake Some Evil the most. Something about a tall redhead in a slinky dress on the arm of the Villain. She totally steals the scene as they enter the club, and has she eyes for the Hero. Cool

There's your music video pitch. Wink

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

I liked Shake Some Evil the most. Something about a tall redhead in a slinky dress on the arm of the Villain. She totally steals the scene as they enter the club, and has she eyes for the Hero. Cool

There's your music video pitch. Wink

Planish, Just in case you didn't know it,but Shake Some Evil is a tune from your fellow Canadian's Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet. A video for a song should probably be more suited for a original from the band.

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

Good classic retro sound .

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