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ok who are the top 5 current surf bands??

My top 5:
1. Madeira
2. Slacktone
3, Dick Dale
4. Tie - Surfaris, Satans Pilgrims
5. Tie - Bambi Molestors, Bitch Boys, Surf Kings
Honorable mention: Nebulas, Outerwave, Eliminators, El Caminos, Chum, Galasgow Tiki Shakers, Mermen.

Last edited: Sep 30, 2006 10:20:42

If I choose five current bands I think have most propelled and contributed to the genre, I'll to go with:

The Mermen
Pollo Del Mar
The Madeira
The Surf Coas--oh wait (I'm still getting over that one Mad )
The Bambi Molesters

I realize this is a loaded and tricky question, so keep in mind this is my modest and humble opinion. There very well might be other bands I haven't heard that you guys have, and either way there are bound to be personal differences in opinion.
(I just don't want to start any Whack or Fight or Stuff Hits the Fan you know?)

The Reluctant Aquanauts
The Surfites
The 'Verb
The Madeira
The Nebulas

Current as in are still actively playing/recording?

The Madeira
The Volcanos
The Nebulas
The Bambi Molesters

And if it was current as in "recent but may be inactive, semi-active or broken up", I would probably remove some of the above and replace with:

Satan's Pilgrims
Jon & The Nightriders
The Space Cossacks

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

most innovative: Pollo, Madiera, Slacktone. best live show: Big Ray and the Futuras, coffin daggers, balboas, reefrider (for the bassplayer and the bassplayer alone... too cool)

of course, my opinion is not particularly relevant cause there are many many bands I havent seen. Confused ....... Crying


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


insect surfers
the madeira
pollo del mar
and many others

Last edited: Oct 01, 2006 20:07:39

do you mean popularity wise?
and how do you measure that show attendance/ cd sales?

or influence on other new bands?

or what are the top 5 bands I like?

and is that based on cds or live performance?

many varialbles here, and some are very preference, taste orientaded.



Anybody who says 'Verb is a god to me.


Space Cossacks...
Surf Coasters...
Satan's Pilgrims...

My life had never been destroyed as badly as when those bands broke up. Damn you Ivan, Shigeo, and all my favorite Pilgrims(which is all of them).

Anways, top current surf bands, I'm going to base my top 5 based on talent, promise of the future, what the look of the band is, how often they play, and of course the music.

Reluctant Aquanauts(I feel they hold a lot of promise due to their age)
Pollo Del Mar
The Bambi Molesters who need to play more.

The 'Verb...

The Volcanos!
X 5 Cool

I'd have to go with the following, as far as bands actively recording and performing live:

Los Straitjackets
The Madeira
The Kilaueas
The Ghastly Ones
The Nebulas

Not necessarily in that order....

Double Crown Records

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Good lord I forgot the Nebulas.

Today, I'll go with:

The Mermen
The Madeira
The Insect Surfers
Pollo Del Mar.

Honorable mention to about a dozen bands equally deserving
to be listed.



Argh....Pollo Del Mar should definitely be considered. I'd include Slactone on the basis of their live performances, but it seems like it's been quite a while since their last recording came out.

Double Crown Records

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Shoot, I forgot about The Ghastly Ones. How did that happen?

Oh well, I stand by my original choices.

So hard to decide
Here are 6 new bands:
The Tormentos
The Nebulas
Reluctant Aquanauts
The Verb (sorry Jake, my apostrophes not working today)
The Thunderchiefs

Old(er) guard so to speak
Ghastly Ones
Pollo Del Mar

Argh....Pollo Del Mar should definitely be considered. I'd include Slactone on the basis of their live performances, but it seems like it's been quite a while since their last recording came out.

I agree entirely. I think if there is one single band that has done more for surf than anyone, it's Pollo. The shapeshifting of the music and originality of the writing is almost unrivaled. Plus Ferenc just does everything for the surf community.
And about Slacktone, their music and musicianship are incomprable, but I get frustrated with their lack of output, and hearing the same songs repeatedly. I mean, The Bells of St Kahuna is older than my little sister.

Wow, thanks to everyone for including the Madeira on your lists - I'm really honored that we are on so many of them!

My choices:
The Bambi Molesters
The Phantom Four
Los Twang Marvels
fifth place - a 3-way tie: The Volcanos/Pollo Del Mar/theNebulas

There are more that should be included, but...


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

So hard to decide
Here are 6 new bands:
The Tormentos
The Nebulas
Reluctant Aquanauts
The Verb (sorry Jake, my apostrophes not working today)
The Thunderchiefs

Old(er) guard so to speak
Ghastly Ones
Pollo Del Mar

Thanks Ted. About the apostrophes, you don't happen to be typing on a Dell laptop do you? My apostrophes go out from time to time on it.

I, too, thank everyone who mentioned Pollo Del Mar. I know we are not a surf band in most meanings of the phrase, but the surf community, fans and musicians, are the best!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

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