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Permalink Kathy Marshall - the Queen of the Surf Guitar

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any info about this lady?


El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

she has a neat custom head stock on her jag as well, did she ever record any thing, i don't think i ever heard any thing by her

Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan

There is a chapter on her in Bob Dalley's "Surfin' Guitars" book. She apparently recorded only to acetate and it was never released. Tom Duncan (tdsurf) has hinted they have dug up a lot of info on her for the Sound of the Surf movie.

Maybe Eddie Bertrand could be convinced to post about her as well... ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Was she any good?

She says so, speaking to Dalley. I believe it's a reasonable self-assessment.

Last edited: Nov 14, 2009 15:13:12

Eddie Bertrand told me she really could play.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

After reading about her in Dalley, I was thinking it would be cool if she could be persuaded to come to the SG101 thing, though I think Dalley says she had given up playing. It wasn't easy being a female musician back in the day. Maybe not always today, either.

By the way, I don't think has to be in The Shallow End.

After reading about her in Dalley, I was thinking it would be cool if she could be persuaded to come to the SG101 thing, though I think Dalley says she had given up playing. It wasn't easy being a female musician back in the day. Maybe not always today, either.

By the way, I don't think has to be in The Shallow End.

you are right, I´m sorry, I don´t see where I´m putting the thread when I started it

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

I moved it to the general forum.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I moved it to the general forum.

thanks !!

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

I thought I heard that Tom Duncan had found her and interviewed her for his movie. He hinted that tapes do exist.

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This is sacrilegious!!! Carol is the Queen of the Surf Guitar!!!




I had heard that she could really rip it up.
I am up for her coming to the sg101 convention.

though, I had heard that she has no interest in playing again.

maybe Tom can talk her into coming.
and possibly doing a song with Carol on Rhythm.
and then vice a versa.
Kristena(Tiki Tena) on Keys, her daughter Kathrine on Bass
and Rikki Styxx on drums.


Last edited: Oct 20, 2009 22:19:03

I had heard that she could really rip it up.
I am up for her coming to the sg101 convention.

though, I had heard that she has no interest in playing again.

maybe Tom can talk her into coming.
and possibly doing a song with Carol on Rhythm.
and then vice a versa.
Kristena(Tiki Tena) on Keys, her daughter Kathrine on Keys.
and Rikki Styxx on drums.

But who would play bass Jeff ??????? Wink Wink Wink

whooops I meant Kristena's daughter on Bass.
she played pipeline at the sg101 convention.


Hey all. Yeah, John Blair interviewed Kathy and her story will be told in "Sound Of The Surf". She's been very kind and allowed us to share a couple of pics for now.

Kathy poses with the custom strat that Eddie had made for her.

Larry Carlton with the Showmen, reacts to Kathy's guitar.

Revelaire Club Interior (courtesy of Eddie Bertrand)

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

great stuff tdsurf !! Rock

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

Kathy poses with the custom strat that Eddie had made for her.

I remember Eddie mentioning this guitar (page 6 of the "eddie in the news" thread). Man, talk about your holy grails of custom colors!

I had painted my jag black, fading into silver...sort of a "black sunburst" if you will.
I liked the idea, so I asked Leo if he would make me a black sunburst metalflake strat. He built two actually. One was very classy, subtle flakes really bitchin lookin' guitar. The other one was way too "pretty" for me...a bit femimine. Kathy Marshall wound up with that one.


Kathy poses with the custom strat that Eddie had made for her.

I remember Eddie mentioning this guitar (page 6 of the "eddie in the news" thread). Man, talk about your holy grails of custom colors!

I had painted my jag black, fading into silver...sort of a "black sunburst" if you will.
I liked the idea, so I asked Leo if he would make me a black sunburst metalflake strat. He built two actually. One was very classy, subtle flakes really bitchin lookin' guitar. The other one was way too "pretty" for me...a bit femimine. Kathy Marshall wound up with that one.

Who cares about the specs. on the git-fiddle!

She was smokin' hot and played lead.

Man, Totally future ex-wife`material...

Jeff Utterback

FWIW, I believe she mentions starting out by mastering the Ventures catalog. Of course, there was a lot less of it at the time, but it still sounds like an excellent start. It was kind of sad, though, that she never got to be in her own band. It sounded to me, reading between the lines, like she had missed out on being more than a novelty, though maybe without realizing it.

Recordings would be great.

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