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Permalink Study Classical Guitar?

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Total agreement about learning and expanding one's self. It was said earlier someone couldn't see how studying the classical guitar would benefit them as a surf player. My jaw just may as well hit the floor. The classical is thee guitar. It is literally called that by purists. So you don't pick it rapidly with a plectrum- that doesn't make everything else about it unrelated. Can't see the benefit of learning new chords? Or learning to play faster? Gaining fretboard finger strength and stretching those fingers where you normally don't have to? How about the feeling of how easy the electric feels to play when setting the classical down and picking up the electric? How about not treading in a pool of just what you know right now and saying "good enough" so why learn anything beyond this?

Total agreement about learning and expanding one's self. It was said earlier someone couldn't see how studying the classical guitar would benefit them as a surf player. My jaw just may as well hit the floor. The classical is thee guitar. It is literally called that by purists. So you don't pick it rapidly with a plectrum- that doesn't make everything else about it unrelated. Can't see the benefit of learning new chords? Or learning to play faster? Gaining fretboard finger strength and stretching those fingers where you normally don't have to? How about the feeling of how easy the electric feels to play when setting the classical down and picking up the electric? How about not treading in a pool of just what you know right now and saying "good enough" so why learn anything beyond this?

You got half of my post right. I stand by my statement that classical guitar techniques don't really help in surf, totally different use of both hands. I also said it would take you beyond surf music. It is much more difficult, complex and richer, playing the bass, melody and chords all at the same time. You don't need to study classical music to learn new chords and grow. Take a class in theory. Practice of any style will improve your playing, not just classical. Do we really care what "purists" think of surf music and those who play it?

You got half of my post right. I stand by my statement that classical guitar techniques don't really help in surf, totally different use of both hands. I also said it would take you beyond surf music. It is much more difficult, complex and richer, playing the bass, melody and chords all at the same time. You don't need to study classical music to learn new chords and grow. Take a class in theory. Practice of any style will improve your playing, not just classical. Do we really care what "purists" think of surf music and those who play it?

I'm afraid that I have to disagree. I can't imagine why fingerings for scales used in Classical music would not be valid in Surf music. A lot of Surf is in a harmonic minor tone center so I can see no reason whatsoever that a classically-schooled approach to those scales would hinder you in any way. One of the things I find most admirable is a playr that actually knows the ins and outs of minor keys, I've heard plenty that don't.

I also don't understand why you feel that classically trained musicians are "purists" and why their opinions are of no value. Many classically trained musicians are anything but stuffy and many have broad tastes in music. I've listened to some classical music and have some classical training. I also listen to Dick Dale, ZZ Top, Stevie Ray Vaughan and any number of other artists that are not at all involved in classical music. I don't see these players as some lower strata of musician, different styles of music are accessed through different paths. When I wanted to study classical guitar I started at Aaron shear, when I wanted to study Blues I listened to Blues players but I discovered something very interesting; some of these Blues guys know a lot more than Blues. On BB King's instructional DVD he demonstrates some Charlie Christian material and obviously knows his scales forward and backward. Maybe he just plays a single stinging note to punctuate between lines but I assure you he can hold his own with skilled musicians in other areas of music.

One thing to remember is that ALL music of the last 200 years or so owes much of its existence to the inventions of classical masters. The I/VI/IV/V pattern that is a staple of slow Rock tunes dates back at least to Mozart. His 40th symphony also has some punchy II/V changes in it. I see a lot or classical influence in Surf tunes and IIRC there have been some Surf versions of classical pieces over the years. I just don't see this as a them vs. us situation.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I may be missing the point, or zoning out, and my eyes rolling back in my head, trying to read this thread.

but I sometimes see a similarity between Classical, and Surf.
no not exactly the same techniques, but in style.

and no I don't think Jose Feliciano is the Best Classical player, just using his videos as quick examples.

Flight of the Bumble Bee, Jose Feliciano, and Surf Coasters

malaguena by Jose Feliciano the Outterwave

and Doug,
how you don't see some of Wronski's multiple finger picking , instead of just using a pick for one note at a time, just amazes me.
when I first saw him do that, it reminded me of my very first classical
training pieces.
Rolling Eyes


I'm afraid that I have to disagree. I can't imagine why fingerings for scales used in Classical music would not be valid in Surf music. A lot of Surf is in a harmonic minor tone center so I can see no reason whatsoever that a classically-schooled approach to those scales would hinder you in any way.

I also don't understand why you feel that classically trained musicians are "purists" and why their opinions are of no value. Many classically trained musicians are anything but stuffy and many have broad tastes in music.
One thing to remember is that ALL music of the last 200 years or so owes much of its existence to the inventions of classical masters.

I think you should re-read my post. Fingering scales has nothing to do with it. Scales are used in other genres too. I'm talking technique. I never said studying classical guitar would hinder anything, in fact I said it would take you well beyond surf. I don't know how you got that from my post.
I did not call classical musicians "purists", Jetpack said that and I used quotation marks. I certainly never suggested their opinions are of no value. I'm well acquainted with the history of Western Music and it is much older than 200 years--that was Beethoven's time, pretty late in the scheme of things.

Have to correct you there, (but I am not upset about how it was taken). The PURISTS label was not to classify classical musicians if you go back and look. It was about any players (and luthiers for that matter) who consider the instrument referred to as the classical the only true guitar and refer to our electrics as guitar-like objects (though I didn't explain it in this much detail). Segovia was famous for saying the electric guitar wasn't a guitar at all. Truth be told he was correct, but we have grown to call these things guitars now. I mean for an instrument to be in the same family or class through history it has had the same materials, weight, dimensions, construction... An electric has nothing in common, build wise, except the notes are laid out the same and it has frets. No sound board, box, fan bracing, etc. Hell, a mandolin and violin have similar dimensions, tunings, sizes, woods, even fan bracing and F-holes, but each has a unique name. If a cornet is not a trumpet and a viola is not a violin look how strictly they used to classify things (and some still do). Nit pickers!
And I am only mentioning this as it is bemusing so let's not even get into how an electric bass for that matter is even less a guitar. Surprised

Have to correct you there, (but I am not upset about how it was taken). The PURISTS label was not to classify classical musicians if you go back and look.

If you go back and look at my post, I didn't refer to classical musicians as purists either.
I responded to this: "It is literally called that (thee guitar) by purists."
with: "Do we really care what "purists" think of surf music and those who play it?"
You are going to have a hell of time convincing the world that electric guitar isn't a guitar, and there wouldn't be much point in trying after 80 or so years. The name of this site would have to change, I wonder what you would call it? A mandolin has 8 strings, a fixed bridge, frets and uses a plectrum, not to mention a very different shape. Quite a different beast from a violin.

Sorry, I wasn't correcting you, ST. I was correcting the comment that said you said that. I'm with you. And yes, I call them guitars too, because I live in the real world unlike Segovia (having been 80 something and having a 20yr have his baby I'm told!). It's just that I was illustrating who those purists were. As to the mandolin/violin it is the same as scientists say aliens would see chimps as trivially different than us and maybe mistake us for exactly the same with only, what, less than two percent of a genetic difference? Show one a mandolin with F- holes, fan bracing, hollow sound chamber, same woods, same scale length..he'd say it must be a different kind of violin, but a guitar with the above vs. some solid piece of wood and and wires, chrome plates(!) and knobs... seems like a wholly different device.

While I'm at it, let me explain so people don't get too into it with each other over my comment that surf guys may dig classical guitar playing. I didn't even necessarily even mean performing. I mean even surf fans that don't play may like classical guitar pieces that I have in mind. Look at it this way:
Hey Pal! You like guitar tunes? You like short little two or three minute pieces? Howz about some Spanish or Mexican sounding ditties in A minor or E minor?

Show one a mandolin with F- holes, fan bracing, hollow sound chamber, same woods, same scale length..he'd say it must be a different kind of violin, but a guitar with the above vs. some solid piece of wood and and wires, chrome plates(!) and knobs... seems like a wholly different device.

While I'm at it, let me explain so people don't get too into it with each other over my comment that surf guys may dig classical guitar playing. I didn't even necessarily even mean performing. I mean even surf fans that don't play may like classical guitar pieces that I have in mind. Look at it this way:
Hey Pal! You like guitar tunes? You like short little two or three minute pieces? Howz about some Spanish or Mexican sounding ditties in A minor or E minor?

That's why the name Electric Guitar was given-- same instrument, new technology...just like electric pianos.
Baroque violins differed from those of the classical era too but they have the same name.
I do agree that a lot of guitarists who like surf music would probably enjoy listening to or playing classical pieces, they are both very structured with a strong melody. I guess you could say that about all guitarists.


If you could find the right band Mozart's 40th would be a great Surf song done in Em. The Gymnopédies don't sound all that different from any number of Soft Rock songs.

The Pyronauts recorded a beautiful version of this song... maybe they'll make it available (?).

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I do agree that a lot of guitarists who like surf music would probably enjoy listening to or playing classical pieces, they are both very structured with a strong melody. I guess you could say that about all guitarists.

And I'd say a lot of surf guitarists would really dislike a good portion of classical music. Messiaen, Bartok, Penderecki, Cage. Or most pieces written for classical guitar during the 20th century.



If you could find the right band Mozart's 40th would be a great Surf song done in Em. The Gymnopédies don't sound all that different from any number of Soft Rock songs.

The Pyronauts recorded a beautiful version of this song... maybe they'll make it available (?).

Ferenc is one helluvah melodica player!!!


Ferenc is one helluvah melodica player!!!

Best ever!




If you could find the right band Mozart's 40th would be a great Surf song done in Em. The Gymnopédies don't sound all that different from any number of Soft Rock songs.

The Pyronauts recorded a beautiful version of this song... maybe they'll make it available (?).

Ferenc is one helluvah melodica player!!!

That's a beautiful rendering of the piece. I really like that. Thanks! Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

As to differing techniques just watch the right hand of a classical player ...for the best part its almost static....while the right hand of the Flamenco player? up and down like a demented spider?

Being new to surf instros what I have noticed..and TBF,due to not having heard a great deal.. I may well be wrong is the use of the Phrygian mode.....something very Flameco.

Am I right??

Pardon me. I forgot my pipe and tweed jacket with the elbow patches. brb... Wink

I may be a Brit but don't dress like that or are you suggesting I'm a teacher,dear boy??

......I hate young people.

"Oh, I say, we are grand, aren't we? (imitation posh accent) Oh, oh, no more buttered scones for me, mater. I'm off to play the grand piano. Pardon me, I'm off to fly my aeroplane."

Quite So,Dear Boy,Quite So....but I speak with an accent more akin to Jack the Ripper!!

Anyway the lot you refer to are so in-bred...they are dying it wont be long!!

There are plenty of classical music fans that don't fit the stereotype. I've been known to listen to classical music from time to time and I know that I don't. There's a lot of humor in some parts of the classical music world. The Boston Pops has done some very tongue in cheek material over the years.

I'd like to think of Mozart as "one of us", a musician that absolutely broke the mold. He was the closest thing to a rock star that you could be in his day and besides being a composer he was the hottest piano player in Austria. He wrote songs with nasty lyrics and he had a bit of a rebelious streak. I get the feeling that were he with us today he'd have kicked a few reverb tanks and done some killer glissandos.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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