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raito wrote:

Since this has popped back up, does anyone ahve a favorite feneral .FLV downloader? You know, the kind that captures as the video plays. Youtube is the biggest source of videos, but there's other sources out there, too.
(Some years ago, I remember trying to find just where MTV was storing its stuff, but it got too twisty. I used a limited-use capture utility, but it wasn't very easy to get running.)

FDM downloads in .FLV by default. There's a little tag that appears in the top left corner of any video. I have only tried youtube but i assume it will d/l from other sites. Can't help with screen capture software, i was going to say "Fraps" but i think thats for DX games only.

I use "Real Player" to download from Youtube. Its easy and also comes with a converter. Bonus if you select the resolution on Youtube to the maximum HD setting 720/1080, instead of .flv, you can download the full HD .mp4

I like it light and fast. Best for me is (for Firefox) Greasemonkey (a scripting shell) + YousableTubeFix script.
There's a Chrome ver. on the script page as well.
It's basically a YouTube enhancer. From the description:

Script Summary: Removes ads and unwanted sections (configurable), allows downloading and resizing videos, changes the default video quality, expands the description and the video size, can prevent autoplay and autobuffering, etc...

Simple and powerful, allows you to download any size at any format easily.

Another Keepvid disciple here. Very easy and great quality!

The best way I have found by FAR is the new browser called Torch. In that browser when you're in youtube you just click the download video button and down it comes, super easy and works 100% of the time. I've downloaded 100's of music vids. Also works for other video sites that I've come across. Its Ace!

Last edited: May 18, 2013 07:43:18

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