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I'm looking for a surf guitar song that I think came out about 2 years ago, or at least that was when the radio had it in a fairly regular rotation. I remember the DJ saying that the rest of the album was country but that the artist really liked surf guitar and wanted to do a song. It had a portion of "Secret Agent Man" in the middle, but that was not the whole song.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think that's probably Junior Brown's "Surf Medley." The album is Semi Crazy if I remember right.

THAT"S IT. Thanks a lot. I had tried searching "surf country" etc. to no avail.

he's also got a newer cd called 'the austin experience' that has another surf/rock medley on it. personally i like the medley on 'semi crazy' better.

is that a live cd you saw?
because I saw one recently, and the medly had 5 songs on it If I recall right. But I didn't hear it.



i have the cd and it is live. it's got a 9 1/2 minute medley which includes 'apache', 'secret agent', 'bulldog', a tiny bit of 'malaguena' and the opening tune i'm not quite sure of the name....'lullaby of the leaves' maybe???

i'm not quite sure of the name....'lullaby of the leaves' maybe???

I saw Junior play live here not too long ago and "Lullaby of the Leaves" was part of his set, so that's probably correct. He played a lot of Hendrix stuff too.

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