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Permalink Vindicators - HB Surf Museum - Photos

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The Vindicators played the HB Surf Museum today from 1 to 3 PM. Their set consisted of mostly traditional covers though they did a surfed up version of classical song Flight of the Bumble Bees.

The show was recorded & my possibly at Octane Radio
at a later date.

"Check Please"


The kids dug Pipeline

Tim siad it right when he said.... " Check Please"
this is one of those no comment bands.
since some people don't like constructive crtisism.



No complaints from me. Downtown Surf City, good weather, lots of eye candy, free show. It's all good. Check please.

about the show?

all covers mostly 60's a few modern ones, lots of flubs on guitar.
wierd midi thing on the guitar to do organ/piano/sax/trumpet stuff.
Just not very cool in my opinion. They did do 3 or 4 Varatones songs very well, except they need a rhythm guitarist.
But I was just left with a what did I do to deserve this punishment,
type of feeling.

A few people got up and left.
thus the check please comment, ha ha.



well, at least they don't wear the kind of shirts that will get you trashed. Confused



Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I was not crazy about the shirts that the Kilaueas were wearing, but they usually had the suits on over the top. But the music more than made up for the shirts. As for the Vindicators. yikes.
and the pants, and the shoes, and the hats. nuff said.

p.s. and the sign and the banner, oh the humanity????


Laughing the little sign is great!

Science friction burns my fingers.

I know I should let this dye but I just can't resist Twisted Evil

On the back of the sign it says don't smile, don't hardly move, don't have fun. Wink

I'm gonna burn in hell huh?? Evil



Dude this thread just keeps gettin better! I think the kilueas were doing a "Rerverse american tourist" thing. IT was a sly comment on the kind of culture that they see from our tourists visiting Germany. I think the shirts were tongue in cheek.


actually Tom I think it's part of their outfit in Germany too.
may not be the same exact shirts but i have seen pics of them with hawiian shirts and the suits for years.


Did the Vin-Dicators have a bass player?

We thought of using The Vindicators as a band name but we A) didn't want people think we were "Vindictive" and 2) the Fender script "F" in front of The Fin-Dicators suggests a Fender sound and III) We made-up a word.

Spoken in German, doesn't Fin and Vin almost sound the same?

-Cliff Woodbeach

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

Fin-dicator 1,
look at the Pic again the guy on our right is the bass player.
actually he and the drummer are really good, but a bit on the tight
and stiff side. but not any mistakes I could pick up.
But the guitar player, ohh that's another story.



OK, I see the bass player. The diminished screen I was looking at cut him off. Scoll to the right and there he is. Sorry my bad.

Surf Rock on,

  • Cliff Woodbeach

Cliffwood Beach, NJ: A small town on the NJ side of the Raritan bay known for a white sandy bluff. Exquisite fossils could be easily found along the waterline until Hurricane Gloria washed the bluff into the bay.

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

The Vindicators give surf music a bad name. Look at them!

Bingo, you win , give this man a cigar.



Can I get one of those Hats?

  • Cliff Woodbeach

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

how about this

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Did these band bring their own PA system. I see monitors on the floor and the bass drum is mic'd. I heard this band about three months ago for Norm the amp guys birthday bash. They sounded good then.

It's a good thing they have that phone number on their banner(s), cause their website doesn't work.

Atomic Mosquitos
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