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Permalink What style of music do you play when you aren't playing Surf

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Just curious....What style of music do you play when you aren't playing Surf? What percentage of the time do you play Surf compared to the other genres?

For me, I have played a bit of everything, mostly underground punk and metal over the years, also played blues and jazz for a long time. I play surf currently 90% of the time now. Can't get enough since I started playing, it is nearly all that I feel like playing anymore. I enjoy it more than playing any other style for about the past 2 years.

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 19:39:34

I'm starting to play some rockabilly, just learning.

I also have an indie punk band, but when I'm home I like to play anything, mostly I like to play over what I'm listening to at that time, jamming over tunes.

Guitar Player in Nahuelaizers

Honestly, these days I don't play a lot of guitar from other "genres" the way I used to. I do play a lot (every day), but it is mostly just trying to write new material. I basically chase my son around the house with my Jazzmaster on and try and write. Surprisingly, its pretty productive Laughing
I also work on existing originals/covers as some of those require a bit of muscle memory, especially gearing up for a show

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I basically chase my son around the house with my Jazzmaster on and try and write. Surprisingly, its pretty productive Laughing

Great tip!

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Wow, I should really read my posts before I submit them. I sound like a rambling teenaged valley girl, haha. Anyway, it is cool to see what every one is playing - keep it coming.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I spent most of my career playing reggae starting in the early 70's thru 2000!! Yikes...that's a long time!! Now that i play music to make a living, i play a variety of styles with several bands. I play drums with SurfJones...a "variety" trio that does blues, rock and reggae two nights a week up in Hanalei Town.
I play guitar, keys and sing with an "oldies" band (The Blond Boys) that does 60's pop music which i love and have a great time. You know, "Wooly Bully", "Louie Louie", the Beatles, the Stones, the Byrds, Dave Clark Five, Beau Brummels etc. We mostly do conventions and weddings and "theme" shows all over the state of Hawaii.
I play drums with a new group called CPR which is a jazz bass player, me the reggae guy, and a hard rock guitarist named Dan Parslow and we create an interesting mix that makes us very original....and it's all "freestyle" jams which allows me to let loose and be a real drummer. Never rehearsed once! It's an intense group and i lose weight every time we play!! haha. We play every Monday night at:
I still produce reggae records in my studio with a handful of local artists.
When i'm not doing any of that....i sit on the beach and write surf tunes for The TO's!!! Which is my favorite band....right now.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

If I still had my Marshall half stack and my mockingbird, I'd be bangin' to Priest right now!

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I tend to go right to the blues when I'm not playing surf. It's like going 'home' every time.

I've always played punk rock, up until recently, I have really been digging surf music. But I'd have to say that surf is pretty punk rock! I'm only 30 yrs old, and Im not very educated on 60s music in general, but In my opinion surf was kinda like the punk rock of the 60's the rebels straying away from the norm.
Just my opinion, anyone agree?

Pop punk. I keep it simple.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I only play surf guitar, no matter what style-framework I'm playing within.

Blues and jazz...We've got a gig tonight in our alter ego jazz band.

Last edited: Nov 13, 2008 13:44:30

Rockabilly and British invasion stuff

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

My first bands in the '70s used to do stuff like Deep Purple or Led Zeppelin, but after that I spend about 10 years playing Rockabilly or Rock N' Roll. I didn't intend to do it for so long, but I'd get asked to join other bands doing that stuff as I became associated with it.

Nowadays, I do most of my gigs in the name of earning a living , playing in a Rock/Blues/Pop band that does weddings and functions as well as pub and club gigs.

Outside of that, apart from The Pashuns - I also have a band playing my own vocal songs: which I'm too close to to summarise but I'd say was at least partly informed by my liking for stuff like Tom Waits, Portishead, Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen.

I wrote or co-wrote many of these songs too and sometimes we gig together:

I also do some solo or band ambient guitar stuff in Libraries and art galleries: in a few weeks time we are doing Terry Riley's 'In C' again - which is a modern classical piece consisting of 60-odd phrases which may be repeated a number of times at your own discretion, with the proviso that all the musicians try and stay within 3-4 phrases of each other as you move through the page - there is a pulse of 'C' to keep the time , but you do not have to play in synch with someone else on the same phrase. This was the piece that was Pete Townshends inspiration for a lot of the stuff on 'Who's Next' The sequencer parts on 'Won't get Fooled Again' and 'Baba o' Reilly' are pretty much straight out of 'In C'.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I spent alot of time when I was younger doing the CCR stuff and trying to howl like Fogerty. Still enjoy that kind of stuff today. Also was a hard core Fab T Birds fan mid seventies thru the eighties......good butt rockin tunes and still dabble in that type of stuff too. Just about any guitar work with simple straight forward expressive riffs I like and not the how-many-32nd-notes-can-I-play-in-a-half-second type stuff.


Okay, I'll preface this by admitting that I may well be the least accomplished guitar player on this forum. Now that's out of the way, surf is the one thing I'm serious about playing right now, although I'm attempting a bit of rockabilly 'on the side'. Still think the Pistols were the greatest rock & roll band ever, but don't want to go down that road until the surf tunes are flowin' like honey.

Punk rock, Bubble Gum, British Invasion, Rockabilly Lite, Power-pop (Stiff Records-esque), Americana (X, Blasters, etc.).

Orchestra and swing.


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