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Permalink Gretsch Catalina Drum Kit

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I know this is Surf GUITAR 101, but I thought I'd take a shot at this one:

Anyone out there ever play on a Gretsch Catalina Drum Kit?
What'd you think? Are they "traditional surf" sounding?
Is it a decent kit for the $$$???

inquiring minds would like to know,

I have heard they are not very good at all. But the white kit is gorgeous.

I've got a buddy who picked one up and it’s not a bad sounding kit.
The toms sound like Gretsch toms and that’s always a good thing.

The bass drum is little too deep for my liking but I was impressed with the kit.

I've played it a couple times on multi band shows when we were booked together and it sounds really good.

Good enough for me to leave my 39 slingerland radio kings at home.

If you play in a trad style they are a good value, if you're a crash and bang rock guy the hardware might not be the best for ya.

The Thunderchiefs

Dane of the Madeira has been using it live for more than a year a half (though not for recording), and I think it sounds great. I think he's pretty happy with it, but I don't know. I'll see if I can get him to write something about it himself.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I seem to recall that drumitar also plays a Gretsch kit just like the Catilina Club, but with a slightly different name on the bandge. I haven't researched the name since I played his kit in Marina Del Rey, CA.

I am very happy with the look and feel of my silver sparkle kit. The bass has a lot of attack (I'm surprised that anyone would think it is too low since it is only 18" in diameter).

The harware is a little on the light side, but better than vintage IMHO. Mine came with DW 4000 series hardware which is really lightwieght. I appreciate it as a travel kit, but I don't expect the hardware to last forever.

The toms sounded great after I replaced the single ply factory heads with double ply Evans G2 heads. Again, they are light weight construction, so they don't have the sustained tone of my Yamaha, but that doesn't really matter live. I am planning on getting some Aquarian heads like the ones Dusty uses on his Ludwig kit to see if they can sound even better.

I think they would work for recording surf in the studio with limited mic'ing. Since we recorded with about 12 mics on the drums, I'd be afraid of what funky overtones might show up on this Gretch kit. The kit was designed as a jazz/club kit (hence the name), and it seems to me that trad jazz players go for funky overtones in the toms on purpose.

Overall, a superb kit for surf.


I am very happy with the look and feel of my silver sparkle kit. The bass has a lot of attack (I'm surprised that anyone would think it is too low since it is only 18" in diameter).

Not too low, Too Deep 16''

Just use to shallower widths. My main kits when I play drum gigs are my 39 Radio Kings with a 24x14 and my 40 Ludwigs with a 28x14.

The Catalina bass does have a lot of attack. I just like a bit more resonance/overtone to my bass drum sound. A little more boom with my thwack
But then I don't play surf when I'm drumming, mostly small combo swing gigs.

I agree though it's a very good sounding and looking kit, great for surf.

The Thunderchiefs

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