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Permalink another dick dale find...

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I just came across this, a transcription from an interview from 2002 with a belgian radio station. there's parts in dutch inbetween, but all that's in italics is interview fragments in English. cool stuff about learning the ukelele as a kid, buying his first guitar form toothles bluesmen, bigmouthing his way into a bigband intermission in the rendevouz ballroom and lots of other great quotes!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

That's pretty cool. I was working at the CFox guitars booth at NAMM one year and Dick was an endorser of CFox guitars. The booth had a small PA set up which I was there to engineer and CFox endorsers would perform for about 20 minutes. Dick would play an acoustic set and always drew the biggest crowds. We were constantly in danger of being shut down not because of the volume but because of crowds blocking the aisles. It seems NAMM booth monitors are indifferent to the drawing power of DD.

Anyway after his set Dick hung around the booth for a while and talked with Jazz guitarist Jimmy Nichols and his wife who were up next. Dick was great to watch as he interacted with someone whose ability he really respected and it was cool to see him as the fan instead of the star. He told a lot of the same stories that were in the transcript and shot the breeze with Jimmy for quite a while and people started to gather to listen in before the Captain came along to gather him up for an appearance at another booth.

There is Surf east of Sepulveda.

I just came across this, a transcription from an interview from 2002 with a belgian radio station. there's parts in dutch inbetween, but all that's in italics is interview fragments in English. cool stuff about learning the ukelele as a kid, buying his first guitar form toothles bluesmen, bigmouthing his way into a bigband intermission in the rendevouz ballroom and lots of other great quotes!


Thanks for posting that link! Very entertaining and informative! Very Happy

GREGORY NICOLL, Southern Surf Syndicate Agent # 44

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