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Permalink Some inspiring eleki stuff

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If anyone wants to hear this record...

Wow--what a guy! Thanks for sharing this great find. Cool


Cool, it would be interesting to see a tracklist if it isn't too much trouble.

Me no speak-a Japanese.

It looked like the titles were listed in English on the front cover (under each Japanese title) but not readable on the scan. Anyway, I just gave the album a quick listen and it appears to be mostly originals. Some really cool stuff I think (although I could have lived without the horns). Thanks for the link.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Thanks Zak!!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Zak, that sharp 5 album u sent me the other day is freaking awsome! too bad i can't memorize the names of those songs doh!




Combo Tezeta IG

Very Happy What would u guys recomened to listening to? Im interested in listening to Yuzo Kayama with the Ventures or anything else.

The Deadbeats

Very Happy What would u guys recomened to listening to? Im interested in listening to Yuzo Kayama with the Ventures or anything else.

Besides Takeshi Terrauchi, I highly recommend Yoshio Kimura. His "Young Sound" album is amazing.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Cool Gracias!

The Deadbeats

Very Happy What would u guys recomened to listening to? Im interested in listening to Yuzo Kayama with the Ventures or anything else.


The Royal Fingers' "Wild Eleki Deluxe" is what got me into eleki. It's a relatively recent album, but the performances are hot and they cover a lot of great classic eleki songs - it has four Terauchi Takeshi covers, four Yuzo Kayama covers, a Sharp Five cover and some great originals, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

  1. Sakura Ondo
  2. Kappore
  3. Genroku Hanami Odori
  4. Fukugawa
  5. Oedo Nihonbashi
  6. Shinonome Bushi
  7. Sutoton
  8. Tokyo Ondo
  9. Rappa Bushi
  10. Ume Wa Saitaka
  11. Echoigo Jishi
  12. Yakkosan

Thanks for the tracklist. I initially thought the album was going to have quite a few covers as this was pretty common on many eleki albums. The Spacemen songs I have on various comps are all covers.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Yeah, thanks for that tracklist!!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Have any of you heard of a band called L'Orchidee D'Hawai? Danny Snyder was kind enough to send me their CD "Nobody Beats Me" a couple of months ago. I believe they're a French band, and are very esoteric. Their music is a mix of Slavic, Italian and French folk/pop music on one hand and surf music on the other. Of the 10 tracks on the CD, five are instros. But here's the thing: of those five instros, four are the finest copies of eleki sounds I've ever heard, probably including modern Japanese eleki bands. Those four tracks are "Prelude en sol Mineur", "Let's Be Happy", "Le Festin", and "Kosaka". This last one sounds so much like Takeshi Terrauchi, it's stunning (all these songs are originals). Two of the instros are slower and more atmospheric with a prominent organ, but again they sound a lot like Takeshi's stuff. There's even a vocal that sounds very eleki influenced, called "Song". The tray illustration has a bunch of old album covers, presumably stuff that influenced them, and amidst some 30 of them, there's a Terry & the Bunnies album. Anyway, I'd highly recommend this to any fans of eleki. The whole CD is worth it for those four or five songs, I think. and it's funny that for once it's the Japanese that are getting copied - and copied extremely well!!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube


L'Orchidee D'Hawai is an amazing band. "Kosaka" is my favorite track on the album and it is definitely Eleki inspired. Although there are only 4 instromental tracks, I think the vocal stuff is quality as well. I catch myself listening to the album all the time. Everyone check these guys out:

Science friction burns my fingers.

concur, L'Orchidee D'Hawai are really really good. We came across them on myspace a while back. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of their full length.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook
One CD available, one out of stock.

Edit: Oh, and here's a pic of the Sharp Five's signature guitar model.

I so need a Guyatone Sharp Five model!

make me an offer


That's mine. It has quite a bit of sentimental value attached to it. A friend passed and gave it to me before he went. He thought it was a cheap guitar but it reminded him of me. He was not a guitar player. It was his Dad's guitar and sat in a case in a closet for years. It's currently in for a solid setup and a small repair to the neck binding.

Has to be one of the most tonally distinct and functional guitars I've ever played. The three-way switch is very cool. Flick er up for a real thin rhythm tone. Flick er to the middle for surf city (even with little to no verb this guitar screams it) and flick er down for just that perfect amount of boost for solos etc....

I really have no idea how this guitar ended up in Ontario, the only info I've found on it (other than from zak a week or two ago) was in japanese.

I don't particularly want to sell this guitar but if the right offer comes along, I would consider letting it go. I have big time financial problems currently (doesn't everybody?)

make me an offer

That's mine. It has quite a bit of sentimental value attached to it. A friend passed and gave it to me before he went. He thought it was a cheap guitar but it reminded him of me. He was not a guitar player. It was his Dad's guitar and sat in a case in a closet for years. It's currently in for a solid setup and a small repair to the neck binding.

Has to be one of the most tonally distinct and functional guitars I've ever played. The three-way switch is very cool. Flick er up for a real thin rhythm tone. Flick er to the middle for surf city (even with little to no verb this guitar screams it) and flick er down for just that perfect amount of boost for solos etc....

I really have no idea how this guitar ended up in Ontario, the only info I've found on it (other than from zak a week or two ago) was in japanese.

I don't particularly want to sell this guitar but if the right offer comes along, I would consider letting it go. I have big time financial problems currently (doesn't everybody?)

Nope. You can't sell that guitar. You'd regret it, and probably sooner rather than later, and I'm not gonna be the guy that buys the guitar with all of the sentimental value attached to it. Keep the guitar, sell something else. I narrowly missed one on ebay about six years ago, who knows, maybe another will show up for me. This one belongs with you, though...

make me an offer


That's mine. It has quite a bit of sentimental value attached to it. A friend passed and gave it to me before he went. He thought it was a cheap guitar but it reminded him of me. He was not a guitar player. It was his Dad's guitar and sat in a case in a closet for years. It's currently in for a solid setup and a small repair to the neck binding.

Has to be one of the most tonally distinct and functional guitars I've ever played. The three-way switch is very cool. Flick er up for a real thin rhythm tone. Flick er to the middle for surf city (even with little to no verb this guitar screams it) and flick er down for just that perfect amount of boost for solos etc....

I really have no idea how this guitar ended up in Ontario, the only info I've found on it (other than from zak a week or two ago) was in japanese.

I don't particularly want to sell this guitar but if the right offer comes along, I would consider letting it go. I have big time financial problems currently (doesn't everybody?)

Friend, you cannot sell this guitar, are going to repent all your life ........ I sold my morales mosrite ventures copy and still today I repent..

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

yeah you guys are right. I'm desperate for cash. Anyone interested in a korg polysix?

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