I was just going to post this as Brian announced the 2006 comp - nice coincedence!
Anyway, I submitted a track for last year, "macho muchacha" which with the rest of the comp ended up on a couple of places on the inetrnet.
then, three weeks or so ago, I got an email from a dude in canada, who had stumbled on my track on the net, and was working on a documentary on cyclists in Vancouver - he wanted to use my track as backgroundmusic in the docmentary. how cool is that, some melody I thought up in front of the tele and then recorded in one half drunken night when the rest of the band didn't show up for rehearsal ends up in a documentary. might be shown on a few indie movie festivals, but it also might end up on canadian national television - the guys pushing it real hard in any case.
Okay, so it's only one minute of my song, and someone's will be talking over it at times, but as they say, small step for mankind, giant leap for WR - I'll get my name on the credits and all. For a musical nobody like me, it's very cool!
so there you go, submit for the new comp and cool shit might happen!
PS here's a link to the 2005 comp on archive.org. check at the bottom: downloaded over 6000 times!
Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."