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Okay lets have a thread about strings and strings alone Smile

What brand and gauge do you use?

D'Addario Chromes .12 and Rotosound Flats .12s and on my Gretsch I use Rotosound roundwounds that are .11s.

Fender steel flats 11's, but thinking about moving up to a 12 or 13's.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

just go to the 13's man the first few weeks are a bit overwhelming, but once you get used to it, anything less seems very whimpy. Twisted Evil

I wan't to believe me, more afraid of my gutar's neck breaking in half! Which ones do you use WaimeaBay, I'm assuming 13's?

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Wray, does your guitar have a truss rod?? If so you should be okay.

My advice is getting the guitar set up by someone who really knows what they are doing, when stringing 13 gauge (or bigger) flatwounds. I have never set my own guitar up with 13's, but I take it to a guy who is really good about once a year. He does a great setup for about 40 bucks.

The biggest issue with going up to .12s and .13s is the nut has to be re-filed to accomodate. Otherwise you have tuning issues with your wiggle stick.

I found that my Jag and JM bridges could handle the extra tension of the thick strings, but the cheaper strat style bridge on my Jagmaster needed all 5 springs and became too stiff with .13's, despite the short scale neck. Anyone out there know a solution?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Waimea, my junky guitar has a truss rod, but I have it loosened all the way so it doesn't buzz. And like Danny says I think the nut would have to be filed.

Danny, I'm not a strat man, but couldn't you adjust those two screws to adjust the spring tension (with or without removing/adding springs). Don't know if that would help...

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

I guess nobody wants to reveal their strings, you sissys prolly have 9- gauge d'addarios on and are to ashamed to admit it! Evil

I guess nobody wants to reveal their strings, you sissys prolly have 9- gauge d'addarios on and are to ashamed to admit it! Evil


Okay, I'll talk. I've had the same set of Fender flatwounds (0.013 - 0.054) on my Partscaster (60s Strat copy from Subway Music) for 5 years. No particular reason for keeping them so long. I change the roundwound strings on my other guitars regularly. I just like the tone of older flatwound strings.

Recently ordered a set of Fender flatwound .012's for my 50s Classic Stratocaster. I imagine I'll change those about as frequently.

Wow! As I type these lines, I'm thinking that I haven't changed the strings on my '74 Jazz bass since like 1982! Jeez. My skin crawls just thinking about the crud trapped in the windings of those strings.

Flatwounds seem to last so much longer then rounds. I sure would not keep them on for 5 years! But you can get more bang for your buck with them. I have had a pair on for 6 motnhs and they still seem new. I play at least an hour a day too. Kinda weird, on my gibson with roundwounds, the strings would be rusted by now. Anyone know why they last much longer?

d'addario 11's (wimpy mom fingers Smile )

11's for a woman is quite admirable!

D'adarrio chromes flatwound .045. to .105
I think they are mediums,
would like a bit heavier.
do yall know if they make heavier?
I have never seen them.



11's for a woman is quite admirable!

Very Happy you should see the calluses on my fingers

Rotosound Purples 12-52 (nickel roundwounds) - incredible strings! I even converted Wronski, a dedicated flatwound string player, to these strings! (Well, not completely - he still uses flatwounds primarily, but his purple sparkle Jag has the Rotos on it.)

Also, Gibson L5 12-56 (formerly known as Sonomatic, nickel roundwounds) - on one Strat. Very vintage-like strings, supposedly used by the Shadows in the sixties, but for some reason I don't like them as much as the Rotos.

D'Addario Chromes 12-52 (steel flatwounds) on my Jazzmaster.


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Pyramid Gold (flatwounds 13-52) on the RI Jazzmaster.

Rotosound Greys (roundwounds 13-54) on the Surfmaster (a Strat-like guitar with 5 springs on the bridge tensioner).

Rotosound RS66LDN (45-105 long scale nickel roundwounds) on the RI '51 Precision Bass and on the Fernandez fretless "Tele-style" bass.

Danelectro roundwound strings on the Danelectro Bass Six.

GHS Boomers (roundwounds 12-52) on the Danelectro Hodad.

dp is a true man. Razz

"I even converted Wronski, a dedicated flatwound string player, to these strings!"

How dare you bring this blasphamy into this thread.

roto's 011 on the strat (012's or 013's seem pretty hard to come by in Europe), chromes 011 on the jag. I'd like to go heavier on the jag but I have a bunch of 011 sets lying around which Ill probably use up first.

Dont like flatwounds on a strat too much. switched too thre rots after Ivans plug on the yahoo group at the time - happy camper since.

nickel ghs on the basses, because I was to lame to order some decent flats and this is what was available.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

by the way, purchase your strings online here:

great selection, good prices, reasonable shipping, excellent customer service...they will call you back if you need to talk to a living being about your string issues.

Very Happy

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