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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Post your favorite surf band.

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Guess I'm gonna have to track down the LPs.

Deuces and Eights just went for $338 on eBay...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


Guess I'm gonna have to track down the LPs.

Deuces and Eightsjust went for $338 on eBay...

Alright, maybe not.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.



Guess I'm gonna have to track down the LPs.

Deuces and Eightsjust went for $338 on eBay...

Alright, maybe not.


That's insane!

The Thunderchiefs

I'll limit my choices to the majority of music released between 1962-66 and 1992-2002 that didn't suck.


To say "your favorite surf band" and not include Dick Dale and The Deltones makes all of this a mute point. But I'll play along and say The Sandals/Endless Summer Soundtrack. I think everything that has been posted so far is incredible and it's fun to see what everyone like to listen to in the "SURF" vein of things.


I'll limit my choices to the majority of music released between 1962-66 and 1992-2002 that didn't suck.

So Jimbo,
you saying you don't have any of the 2nd wave stuff( 80 to 86)
by Jon and the Nightriders, Surf Raiders, Halibuts.

or the Untamed Youth and Phantom Surfers stuff from 86 to 92??

I hope you were just joking....



I need some new tunes.

Okay, here's the rules:

  1. only post one band.
  2. can't be your band.
  3. include only one album by the artist.
  4. don't repeat anyone elses exact choices
  5. no dick dale


No Dick Dale? Thats pretty funny. Dick might punch you in the nose for that someday. Just kiddin. Lets hope Exclamation

Choice = The Volcanos - Finish Line Fever. They have an incredible blend of sounds together, surf / rod / spaghetti / and prime rib Razz They make me want more and more.

That said... I think Madeira dropped something in my tea. They sound BIG! And the sound production is, well, huge. I can't seem to play Sandstorm! loud enough.

Unfair question though. Foul Surprised

To think of all the originators of the sound...can I say we'd all be rule breakers? And if it were a 'desert island one choice question' I'd have to rely on my memories, cause 1 just ain't enough. Past and present there is an almost unbelievable amount of SURF Cool
Fun none the less drpluto Very Happy

Satan's Pilgrims (At Home With.../Around The World With.. -tie)
I'm surprised no one else mentioned them. To me they seem like the most prolific (tons of good originals), their albums don't suck compared to the live shows (meaning the albums are really enjoyable and not ho-hum like a lot of bands that are otherwise very good live).
And I'm not saying it to suck up to Ted...that has been my opinion for a long time.
Yes, there are very good bands - 1st, 2nd and 3rd waves, but if looking at the volume and quality of work, I think there is no comparison.


The Scimitars

Suck up. ha ha ha just kidding Ran,
you set yourself up for that, even with the disclaimer.

But I do agree, SP'are a killer band, aren;t you glad I got you all those used SP's cd's now. I am, Wink



They are at the top of the heap for me too.

Hmm...looks like I need to get a "suck-up" smiley face emoticon thingy.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The Treble Spankers - Araban

Fender Bass, Small Firearms

Man or Astroman?, Destroy All Astromen!

Rambling Ambassadors: "Avanti" (Mint Records)

This is Brent Cooper's (ex-Huevos Rancheros) latest band. The guitar tones are great. I got to hang with him in Calgary a couple of years ago, and found out he basically has the history of Fender amps in his basement. Plus he's a really nice guy to boot!


Canadian Surf

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