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Permalink Reluctant Aquanauts July of 2007

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Someone posted this video of us up on youtube. It's Denis of the Treblemakers song "Fistfull of Dullards".

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Don't you know that surf bands are out of style?

Really great. I've listened to your Myspace clips a bunch of times in the past. Your trad sound blows me away. You also play the stax/soul material with equal conviction. I am digging that too!

Hey if anybody has any more footage of The Reluctant Aquanauts PLEASE post it or lemme know where I can view videos. THANKS hey Bill I can't wait for the NEW release this summer!!! I know its gonna be badass.

Bill where have you been? long time no see Very Happy



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The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Hey if anybody has any more footage of The Reluctant Aquanauts PLEASE post it or lemme know where I can view videos.

I like this one:


Thanks websurfer and 65acrolite!

Jake, when were surf bands in style? '62-63? Laughing

Long time Kyle, I've been bust finishing up school and playing a lot of guitar and working on the soul stuff. We've got out first Aquanauts show in over a year this month and I seriously can't double pick. I gotta relearn stuff real quick. Smile

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

at the Detroit Autorama i asked mid west surf guy to upload his exotica vids, including the Reluctant Aquanauts stuff. guess he hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Bill, i really gotta come see you guys someday. unfortunately with gas as expensive as it is and with my low wages, it aint happenin' anytime soon. just make sure to book some shows next summer, maybe i can afford it by then.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

at the Detroit Autorama i asked mid west surf guy to upload his exotica vids, including the Reluctant Aquanauts stuff. guess he hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Bill, i really gotta come see you guys someday. unfortunately with gas as expensive as it is and with my low wages, it aint happenin' anytime soon. just make sure to book some shows next summer, maybe i can afford it by then.

Yeah that's what's keeping us down too. We're playing Indiana this month and just watching the profit fall as these guys prices rise.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"


at the Detroit Autorama i asked mid west surf guy to upload his exotica vids, including the Reluctant Aquanauts stuff. guess he hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Bill, i really gotta come see you guys someday. unfortunately with gas as expensive as it is and with my low wages, it aint happenin' anytime soon. just make sure to book some shows next summer, maybe i can afford it by then.

Yeah that's what's keeping us down too. We're playing Indiana this month and just watching the profit fall as these guys prices rise.

yeah, i was gonna try to make that show, but i can't save up enough money in time. it also happens to be on my little brothers 12th birthday, so going was iffy in the first place.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!


Hey if anybody has any more footage of The Reluctant Aquanauts PLEASE post it or lemme know where I can view videos.

I like this one:

Yea thats the ONLY Reluctant Aquanauts video I know of besides the new one posted recently. I've literally watched the WGN video thousands of times. Over and over and over and over.... but it NEVER gets boring to me. The Reluctant Aquanauts are just soo damn AWESOME!!! Thumbs Up

Very Happy Damm Straight! They are really talented Worship Vatos 8), You guys are my Favorite Surf Band. But since I will most likely never get to see you live, It would be cool If somebody here would post more videos PLEASE! Thumbs Up

The Deadbeats

abraham u little slut i though u said the ventures were ur favorite band!



no but yeah we do love The Reluctant Aquanauts, we've done Kung Bao Surf at some shows we've done.




Combo Tezeta IG

abraham u little slut i though u said the ventures were ur favorite band!



no but yeah we do love The Reluctant Aquanauts, we've done Kung Bao Surf at some shows we've done.

You guys are far too kind. It's pretty cool to hear that someone covered your song. Got any recordings of it? I'd love to hear.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

we might have it recorded down somewhere, but its probably bad quality, we'll try to record a good take of it soon!




Combo Tezeta IG

Thanks websurfer and 65acrolite!

Jake, when were surf bands in style? '62-63? Laughing

Long time Kyle, I've been bust finishing up school and playing a lot of guitar and working on the soul stuff. We've got out first Aquanauts show in over a year this month and I seriously can't double pick. I gotta relearn stuff real quick. Smile

We'll kick ass man it's good to have you back and to see you back Rock
Double picking? man you'll be right at home it's just like a riding a bike Wink as for the songs to re-learn I think we all have been there a few times after putting the music aside and focus, play some other genre or new songs to the set list I myself tend to forget how certian parts went when I have put the song aside for a long time and came back to them I think we're all guilty of that Embarassed


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp


abraham u little slut i though u said the ventures were ur favorite band!



no but yeah we do love The Reluctant Aquanauts, we've done Kung Bao Surf at some shows we've done.

You guys are far too kind. It's pretty cool to hear that someone covered your song. Got any recordings of it? I'd love to hear.

Im pretty shure we dont have a recording of it. But when we played it at a party we really fuck'd it up in front of the crowd. The part when it changes the Key, thats when we fuck'd up. But its a cool song, but I really like "Fall of the Pheonix" Surprised

The Deadbeats

abraham u little slut i though u said the ventures were ur favorite band!



no but yeah we do love The Reluctant Aquanauts, we've done Kung Bao Surf at some shows we've done.

They are my favorite, but I also like these Fellows too Cool

The Deadbeats


abraham u little slut i though u said the ventures were ur favorite band!



no but yeah we do love The Reluctant Aquanauts, we've done Kung Bao Surf at some shows we've done.

You guys are far too kind. It's pretty cool to hear that someone covered your song. Got any recordings of it? I'd love to hear.

ha, i would love to cover meat wagon from your news clips. that's one clever song. it's neat because it's sometimes difficult writing trad-sounding surf riffs without using the standard AADA progression, but that one still sounds trad and kicks ass!

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

Sounds killer Bill!

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