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I wonder why nobody yet came up with "The Surf Nazis"


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Last edited: Jun 02, 2008 10:12:53

I think the term "Trad Nazi" has been used more for that purpose than Surf Taliban.

Off Topic And where can we hear/see the Iterators? Myspace?

Trad Nazi, as in: No Surf For YOU!

Well, I'm reluctant to hi-jack the thread, but since you brought it up...
Ah! The Iterators are available to play private parties of friends and relatives, for food. No MySpace, it might let someone know that we exist. Wink We do record the songs I write, the first take of a new song, for archival purposes, since we find that songs sometimes take on a life of their own--but then we generally move on. We are more about exploring new ground, and capturing a long term creative process, than repeating or perfecting something we have already visited before...we are an experimental team...I like to think of us as the Von Frankenschteens...the MadHatter Project...

Seamoor Glas
The Iterators

Last edited: Jun 02, 2008 09:57:09

(Iterators are very important in C++ .... )

I think you just gave us a new bumper sticker! Thanks man.

"The Iterators: important to Sea++"

"The Iterators: your assignment is to the left of the equation."

"The Iterators put the ++ in Surf"

"The Iterators: incrementing Surf one primitive at a time" Wink


Glas, Seamoor
The Iterators


I wonder why nobody yet came up with "The Surf Nazis"


lol, incredibly bad movie!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

But please, for the sake of unborn generations, don't blow up any ancient cultural artifacts that constitute a valuable historic record...;-)

whatm, you mean like the brittish invasion? Wink

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


But please, for the sake of unborn generations, don't blow up any ancient cultural artifacts that constitute a valuable historic record...;-)

whatm, you mean like the brittish invasion? Wink

On 2nd thought, please blow up Freddie and the Freeloaders and Herman's Hermits. Twisted Evil

Just leave any giant Buddha's you might run across,, The Trogs, or Manfred Mann...

Seamoor Glas
The Iterators

But Seamoor, without access to your music how will your future cover band - The Re-Iterators ever form? Embarassed

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

But Seamoor, without access to your music how will your future cover band - The Re-Iterators ever form? Embarassed

Were storing all the archives in an ark we've been constructing out of ironwood. I have a friend from Ethiopia who promises to take it back there for safe keeping next time he visits his mom... He'll take it to the Axumite obelisk for long term storage...Someday the Aliens will find it and they will be able to return to their galaxy and claim that the trip was justified... Very Happy

Seamoor Glas,
The Iterators

Back to topic please!

i've never heard of surfnazis before :D:D:D:D::D


I have listened to your Myspace clips, and as others have said, think you have a nice aggressive sound and play with alot of energy. Very good for a young band. I hope you stay with it, because you obviously have potential. It has often been mentioned around here all the great instro band from your part of the world there in Germany and other northern European countries.

The incongruity of Surf Taliban makes me laugh, but you must be prepared for comparisons with Surf Nazis. This has nothing to do with your being German. I confess I too made that connection because of the Taliban being another infamous totalitarian regime.

its not as bad as the surf motherfuckers.
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

Speaking of Taliban and music:


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

I like the name "Surftaliban"..although I wish it were "The Surf Taliban" ( to give it even more authority)...

In the vein of all great rock'n'roll traditions, Surf has had it's share of shockingly irreverent icons...the Iron Cross, Mickey Dora, a disdain for "straight" conventional cultural icons, "Shooting Beavers" a sense, those first surf culture people were sort of "punk rock" figures for their era...

I'm sure you get the idea of what I'm getting at...

In this day and age, I find a name like "Surftaliban" to not only be acceptable, but to be almost de rigueur...

I think I'd avoid references to the Taliban or Nazis for that matter in a band name. I'm not a politically correct person but to me, there are way too many negative connotations. To me there is nothing humorous about either name. I think a band can be more creative than that.

by the way: my comments above should not be in any way construed to show any support at all for the likes of the "real" Taliban...nor any other Nazi/Fascist/Totalitarian regime in support of mass enslavement, self-serving propaganda, nationalistic hyper-patriotism, social persecution and repression, torture, or genocide.

my motto?
"This Machine Kills Fascists"...Woody Guthrie


by the way: my comments above should not be in any way construed to show any support at all for the likes of the "real" Taliban...nor any other Nazi/Fascist/Totalitarian regime in support of mass enslavement, self-serving propaganda, nationalistic hyper-patriotism, social persecution and repression, torture, or genocide.]

See DP, that's the best reason not too use this name. Every time they tell any body the name of the band, they have to include this long disclaimer.

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

In the vein of all great rock'n'roll traditions, Surf has had it's share of shockingly irreverent icons...the Iron Cross, Mickey Dora, a disdain for "straight" conventional cultural icons, "Shooting Beavers"

Not to mention Scalping Party, that sounds like fun.

Not to mention Scalping Party, that sounds like fun.

Hmm. With all respect, and entirely in the interest of clarifying obscure American slang, I assume that this would be a metaphorial reference falling under roughly the same heading as Shooting Beavers?

Stormtiger wrote:
Not to mention Scalping Party, that sounds like fun.

Hmm. With all respect, and entirely in the interest of clarifying obscure American slang, I assume that this would be a metaphorial reference falling under roughly the same heading as Shooting Beavers?

I believe a scalping party involves the removal of the scalp from the victim, often while alive. Strange subject for a surf song. If there is another meaning I am unaware of it.


by the way: my comments above should not be in any way construed to show any support at all for the likes of the "real" Taliban...nor any other Nazi/Fascist/Totalitarian regime in support of mass enslavement, self-serving propaganda, nationalistic hyper-patriotism, social persecution and repression, torture, or genocide.]

See DP, that's the best reason not too use this name. Every time they tell any body the name of the band, they have to include this long disclaimer.

Visited the band site, there is a German word that springs to my mind:


In my nightmares, zombie Nazi SS storm troopers are resurrected from the bottom of Lake Geneva by Dr Mengele in the beginning of a Hell Boy comic...

I don't know--what's wrong with Surf Khmer Rouge? Surf Ton Ton Macout?
Surf Thugee? You know, something light hearted and effervescent... Help

Seamoor Glas
The Iterators

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