Joined: Jul 27, 2006
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Bonsall, CA
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Posted on Aug 16 2006 09:09 PM
I just got a Reverend Hellhound 112 Combo amp. It currently has Electroharmonix 6L6 tubes and all of the original tubes. which tubes should I use if I decide to upgrade/have on hand? Also, would you consider other upgrades? I have heard of people upgrading the reverb tank on these and maybe a Weber speaker?
Let me know what you think?
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
Posts: 3546
mojave desert, california
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Posted on Aug 16 2006 09:40 PM
I put NOS GE 6L6 tubes in my old Bassman...they sound great!
Also, I run 2x12 Weber Californian speakers on the Bassman rig...they also sound sweet.
In the Bassman, I run a Mullard 12AT7, as well as old Mesa Electronics 12AX7s...
I have no experience with the Revered amps, but maybe these suggestions could rove helpful...
good luck,
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San Jose, Ca.
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Posted on Aug 17 2006 12:18 AM
Congrats on scoring the Reverend Hellhound!!! IMHO
they are killer amps, very versatile. I've got the Hell-
hound "mini-stack" (head w/ 4x10 cabinet), and I
love it! I've been happy with the Reverend All-tone
(Emminence )speakers and the EH tubes. I've heard
nothing but raves about the Weber speakers, but these
Emminence speakes are made to Joe Naylor's specs,
and they rock. I'm no expert on NOS tubes, but like DP
says, the GE's are highly regarded, as are Sylvania, RCA,
Mullard and Tung Sol, among others. The only negative
on the Hellhound that I've encountered is the reverb,
which is pretty weak. Since I use a Fender tank, it really
isn't a factor to me. I aslo have the Hellhound's little
brother, "the Goblin" at 15/5 watts, a GREAT sounding
reverb, and an amazingly full sounding 10" Neodymium
speaker. It is a slammin' little practice amp! You're gonna
be very happy with your Hellhound. Enjoy!!!
Bob S.
— Bob
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Posted on Aug 17 2006 01:39 PM
If at all possible, let your ears be your guide. Preamp tubes are easy to listen to. See if you can get your hands on an old GE or RCA or some other "well regarded" 12AX7 from the 60's and start sticking it into the various positions in the amp. If you can hear a difference and you like what you hear, the NOS tubes are worth it. For a preamp tube, it's probably worth buying one. You could always sell it on eBay. Try a GE 7025 (which is the miliary equivalent of a 12AX7).
Power tubes are more of a pain in the butt beacuse they have to be biased, which is the "idle current" setting. Most amps have a pot that's mounted in the chassis that let you adjust the bias (some amps are cathode biased and there is no adjustment). So when you change power tubes you must set the bias, which should probably be done by a tech. However, there are some bias checkers out there that allow you to monitor the bias current by plugging the tube into this device and plugging the device into the amp. I think one of these is made by Allessandro - I've seen ads for them in Vintage Guitar. There is a range of safe bias current and it's possible to "bas by ear" as long you stay in the safe range. It's very interesting to hear the difference in tone that different biasing provides.
NOS power tubes are getting really pricey. 6L6's are like $75 each for matched pairs (always buy matched pairs). The last of power tubes I bought were 7581A's (6L6 equivalent) from Angela Instruments I think they were $35 each for a matched quartet - (I just went to the Angela site and they're ovber $60 each now). I like these tubes. I've heard good things about the 6L6GE tube, which is not an NOS tube. Dave Wronski likes 'em.
Many folks will tell you NOS tubes last longer that imported new tubes so the price differenece is less of a factor. Tube life is much less of an issue if you run your amp on 3 instead of 10. Most surf guys go for a clean tone so my guess is you're not "diming" your amp.
For me - NOS tubes sound more "HiFi". The new imported tubes sound like they're made for guys who want distortion.
As far as speakers - again, try to find a place where they have a variety of speakers installed in some type of cabinet and see if you can listen to other speakers so you can get an idea of what you like. I have heard the Weber Californias and they are great speakers for surf. But I'm a JBL guy and think they are the way to go and are a good investment as long as you don't blow them. Anyone know what K120's are going for now?
The bottom line - use your ears as much as possible
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
Posts: 3546
mojave desert, california
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Posted on Aug 17 2006 04:03 PM
If at all possible, let your ears be your guide. Preamp tubes are easy to listen to. See if you can get your hands on an old GE or RCA or some other "well regarded" 12AX7 from the 60's and start sticking it into the various positions in the amp. If you can hear a difference and you like what you hear, the NOS tubes are worth it....
NOS power tubes are getting really pricey. 6L6's are like $75 each for matched pairs (always buy matched pairs)...
Many folks will tell you NOS tubes last longer that imported new tubes so the price differenece is less of a factor. Tube life is much less of an issue if you run your amp on 3 instead of 10....
For me - NOS tubes sound more "HiFi". The new imported tubes sound like they're made for guys who want distortion....
The bottom line - use your ears as much as possible
I just wanted to chime in and agree with Boulder Bob's GREAT advice...
try out a single vitage 12AX7 and see if you notice a difference...
I agree that the NOS vintage tubes do have a clarity and "Hi Fidelity" quality lacking in many modern makes...
I also agree that the NOS tubes can be pricey, especially the "matched" pairs...but, you can still locate high quality NOS tubes for a fair price out there on the web (ebay, angela, parts is parts, and a few other places.) Also you can check out the HAM RADIO market...those guys often use HiFi NOS tubes in their gear too...you can find real good deals if you spend the time and search a little...
best wishes and good luck,