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Permalink Tom Pettys Mike Campbell, doing Diamond head.

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Tom Petty and Heartbreakers Give Mike Campbell a chance to play some "California Surf Music".

As close as you can get to a Blue Stingrays show.


pretty cool, thanks Tom,
just wish he had some Reverb on there.
or More if he does have some.


that little lead break at @ 1:38 is sweet!
and the free-form / greatest-hits section that begins around 2:30 is also awesome...

man, I wish the Blue Stingrays would release a second album...

i dig guitarists who respect the surf...

Nice to him play a Jaguar... and wasn't he buddies with LSJ from fairly early on in the latters' careers?!/rockinrio.delrosa!/TheHighTides!/pages/The-Blue-Demons

i dig guitarists who respect the surf...

I don't understand how anyone that plays a guitar and claims to be a "guitarist" won't acknowledge that surf is pretty damn cool!

I've run into some blues guys at shows that say stuff like " Oh, I used to play that surf stuff when I was kid" and things like that - Then proceed to tell me how great their blues band is. Too bad for them -

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I don't understand how anyone that plays a guitar and claims to be a "guitarist" won't acknowledge that surf is pretty damn cool!

Yes I was thinking the same thing about the audience, I imagine everybody in that audience was really digging it, yet I doubt many were inspired to seek out that sound after the show. I wish Tom Petty had made a bigger deal out of the "California Surf Music", talk it up a bit.


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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:21:25

On a positive note, if more hi-profile bands mixed a bit o' surf in their set list and performing in front of 25,000 applauding fans, it could help raise the awarness of this genre.

And was that a Fender Bassman in his backline?


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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:21:34

Wow...what a tame, low-energy version.

Would have been too long at 3 minutes but it drags on for over 5...sorry, not my kinda thing. I couldn't make it through the entire video.

Receding hairlines and "80s rock hair" don't really go together very well.

Minus 10 points for the frilly poofy shirt, too.

well, it is Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.....put in context with "Free Falling" and "Last dance With Mary Jane" this is a rocker! Too much energy and it would have sent the audience into convulsions...
I think Mike Campbell wants to be a pirate.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I think Mike Campbell wants to be a pirate.

Yeah, he looks like he should be singing about free credit ROTFL

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space


I think Mike Campbell wants to be a pirate.

Yeah, he looks like he should be singing about free credit ROTFL

that's pretty funny stuff... Laughing
he really does look a lot like that dude in the commercial!

Having said all that, let's feel forunate that a recognized band even acknowleged surf music. If we pray long enough, perhaps others will follow suit. Uh... Do ya think that The Ventures recently being inducted into the R&R Hall of fame had something to do with Mike's decision to play this? At least he wasn't so out of touch as to perform this with an LP. He's on the right track but in need of a little "guidance" indeed.. Rock Testing the waters perhaps???....


in case you haven't heard of it, or didn't catch DP's reference above.
Mike Campbell has done a surf cd, titled the Blue Stingrays,"surf and Burn"
all though its kinda mellow and lacks reverb,
its a fairly decent recording.


I agree they stretched this out WAY too long, but it beats the crap out of the surf 'n burn cd. it definetly beats the crap out of just about anything by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers afaic.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Where is the freaking reverb?? That was bone dry!


in case you haven't heard of it, or didn't catch DP's reference above.
Mike Campbell has done a surf cd, titled the Blue Stingrays,"surf and Burn"
all though its kinda mellow and lacks reverb,
its a fairly decent recording.

Nope. Didn't catch it. That's what I get for speedreading. Thanks for un-phucking me Jeffster.

Fantastic. I have no complaints.

Mike Campbell is a tasty guitar player.

Fretboard and longboard.

I like surf n burn...

it's definitely not reverb-drenched high-velocity surf-madness...but, it is an excellent surf-influenced instrumental album...and there is some well as tremolo, and even wah-wah...outstanding arrangements...good drumming...

think the cd shows mucho respect for the surf...

i listen to this cd often...


AFAIC??? wtf duz "AFAIC" sf? My txt sklls sux...omg... lol...rotflmao!


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