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Permalink Atomic Mosquitoes/Madeira/Coffin Daggers/Nebulas Show

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Alright, so I went to the Atomic Mosquitoes/Madeira/Coffin Daggers/Nebulas show at Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, NJ last night and all I can say is that show ROCKED!

So, here’s the deal; I live in Delaware. Asbury is two plus hours from where I am. My wife and I decided we’d leave a bit early, maybe walk around the quaint little beach town, grab a bite to eat, get to the venue around 9:30 pm, or so, and catch the show.

We arrived at the edge of Asbury Park at around 8:00 pm. So far, so good, but as we plunged deeper into the bowels of the city, we quickly realized that, while Asbury seemed to be waging a comeback, it was a beach town that had taken a downward turn long ago, evident by the numerous vacant and dilapidated buildings and scenery we encountered. It didn’t seem like we were going to find a mutually agreed upon place to have dinner. Hey, no problem, I figured we’d just grab a leisurely dinner in the lounge of the venue, Asbury Lanes, upon our arrival. I had checked out the website earlier, and it definitely looked like a very cool place. Things were looking better by the time we got the area the venue was located in. I even took note of several iconic landmarks made famous by Bruce Springsteen, which was kind of cool.

Right, so we park the car, walk up to the lanes, and run into a couple of chaps hanging out on the steps of the entrance. We ask if the joint is open yet, and they inform us that it is indeed open. Hmmmmm, nice fellows, but they don’t outwardly strike me as the surf-music types. We enter the building and are greeted by another couple of guys in matching bowling shirts standing at a long table filled with what appear to be random-type event door prizes, but I’m not really paying all that much attention, you see, as the inside of this place turns out to be one of the coolest looking joints I’d been in to see a show in a long time, so I’m just trying to check it all out. My wife grabs my arm and huddles closer to me. The two gents at the table hand us a couple of tickets and direct us to the counter to pay our entrance cost. The DJ on hand is spinning a Donna Summers song. The lights are flashing. Guys are dancing. Folks are bowling. We get to the counter, where I proceed to hand the colorfully dressed and inked young lady tending the register twenty bucks. She leans forward and says something to me like, “Are you here for the blah blah blah-ing?” Not understanding what she said, I replied, “We’re here for the surf gig”, to which she replies, “Oh that starts at 10:30. It’s only 8:30, but you can bowl while you wait.” “No thanks”, I say, “We’ll just grab a beer and something to eat.” She smiles as we shuffle away. As we walk away, my wife is giggling hysterically. “What?” I ask, to which she replies, “That woman just asked you if you were here for the gay bowling”. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Everybody has the right to bowl. After quickly looking around to take in the balance of my surroundings, we made the quick decision to run top McDonald’s, grab a fast dinner, maybe check out the boardwalk, and return to the lanes closer to 10:00.

10:00 pm rolls around, we’ve met and chatted with some of the local hot rod and rockabilly-types, and the show is about to begin.

The Atomic Mosquitoes take the stage first and proceed to deliver the most rollicking, rocking instro set heard by these ears in a long time. Great stuff; loud, tight, precise melodic blasts of surf punctuated by the tasteful use of the rare leopard-skin theremin. These guys know how to rock it surf-style, and they were real pros- in, perform no-nonsense-style, and out leaving the crowd wanting more. Thanks, Mosquitoes.

Next up was The Madeira, and these guys also delivered. Ivan and the gang can really play. Mean, lean, and dangerous on surf guitar. The tunes range from super-clean, melodic numbers that I swear must have been played with a red Stratocaster though a Vox AC30, to gritty, in-your-face glissando and double picked madness, and ran the gamut from the older material through the brand new stuff. Great job.

The Madeira was quickly followed by The Coffin Daggers, who proceeded to rip the joint up with super-cool class. Their use of the UK made, wooden keyed Vox Continental organ got me stoked for more. Many of you know that the Coffin Daggers are an outfit from NYC, and their bold style left me wondering why I had not personally had more previous exposure to them. Bonus points to The Coffin Daggers for playing “Stampede”. More bonus points to the band ‘cause their bass player lived in Delaware for a period of time. I’ll definitely be looking forward to hearing more.

The Nebulas were the final band to take the stage, all decked out in their signature black outfits and cool top-hats and masks. They were quick to work the crowd into a frenzy with their adrenalin-pumping set and stage choreography. The guitars were amazing, bass and drums solid, and Farfisa organ cut just the way you want it to. I love combo organs in surf music. I have a couple of them at my disposal, but I’m sorry to say, I can’t even really play them all that well. I envy these guys. Unfortunately, it was getting close to 2:00 am and we had a two plus hour drive back to Delaware, so we had to leave before the end of The Nebulas set (sorry, guys!), but they were still hittin’ it hard as we were leaving. Another great performance! I don’t know how they play with those masks on, though; I think I’d probably pass out… Hmmmmm…

I’m sorry this writing has become so long-winded, and I also apologize for gushing, but it really was a great night. All the bands were excellent, and the venue was killer, plus, I got to meet Unsteady Freddie! Was it a long night? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Without a doubt, but I’d bring more people from my home state. For those of you fortunate enough to catch the NYC show, you’re in for a great night.

Brian, delete this post if it’s too long, but let the people know the show rocked.

Thanks for the great post! Thanks for setting up the review with a description of the surroundings and atmosphere of the club. Makes me even sorrier I couldn't be there.

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Brian, delete this post if it’s too long, but let the people know the show rocked.

What??? This type of post is EXACTLY why this site was invented. It certainly wasn't for 11 pages on picks. ROTFL

Great review.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cool! BTW, anyone happen to know what kinds of picks the Nebulas were using?


Man I wish I could've seen this. I'm sure it was a great time. Thanks for the report, tommyalvarado!

Cool! BTW, anyone happen to know what kinds of picks the Nebulas were using?

Gaily coloured ones?

Great review Tommy, too bad you didn't get to see the end, what a freaking awesome line up though, if everything was in balance in the world, that line up would be on at Madison Square Garden, or the steps of the Sydney Opera House on a warm summers night as the sun is setting in the west, 150,000 screaming fans clawing for more, more, more!

A crowd not dissimilar to this...



glad you make the trek to ASBURY PARK to catch some terrific surf music

it was cool to meet you!!

no doubt that ASBURY PARK looks like a bombed-out city

but understand this, since the last time I was there, it has grown dramatically (how scary is that?). Progress is being made to bring that beach-coast town back to life; it is probably a great place to invest some money in b/c its recovery is inevitable (though it ain't gonna happen overnight)

hope you enjoyed yourselves at the LANES

and I hope maybe one day you will be passing thru NYC simultaneously when one of my SURF-ROCK SHINDIGs is goin' on; would luv to have you there


but understand this, since the last time I was there, it has grown dramatically (how scary is that?). Progress is being made to bring that beach-coast town back to life; it is probably a great place to invest some money in b/c its recovery is inevitable (though it ain't gonna happen overnight)

Agreed; as I said, it does seem as if Asbury Park is fighting to come back. The problem with that is the method of renewal is through eminent domain. I had an interesting conversation with one of the local hot rod guys, Shane, ex of the band "Nudeswirl"- a great guy, by the way- who told me that Asbury Lanes is on the list of places to be closed and demolished through eminent domain to make way for new construction. I'm all for progress, but at whose expense? Asbury Lanes is a killer venue. In my book, there aren't enough places like it. If it goes, that's one less place the bands we love can play. The current economic state of affairs has slowed the development in Asbury a bit, and I hope that spells reprieve for the lanes. I'll definitely be making a return trip.

Bottom line; it weas a great show. All of the bands performed brilliantly. I still hope some of them can make a trip to the Philadelphia or Delaware region to play some shows. We've got a great little club called "Mojo 13" where they'd all fit right in. And yes, while the crowd seemed to be a great and appreciative one for a surf show, I wouldn't have changed the venue location for the world.

as I told you in the LANES, maybe we can work together to package a night of some killer all-instro at MOJO 13...

stay in touch, my e/mail is:


Great review,
maybe I'll do one for the south bay surf stomp.


Great review,
maybe I'll do one for the south bay surf stomp.


Thanks, Jeff. I'll look forward to reading your review on south bay.

are you ready for some video I shot at ASBURY PARK ??

after much ya go!


Way to go Freddie, excellent video, you covered just about the entire stage area, plus the sound quality wasn't too bad either for a video camera. Well played sir! Cool

Well done to Ivan and the boys as well, I liked that piece, I have no idea what it was, but it listened real good. Very Happy

that was UNDERCURRENTS from the new CD

by the way I have a digital CANON camera and that was shot on the 'video' setting

lots of great pix coming as soon as I can get them posted, especially from my NYC show the next night


Thanks Freddie, I look forward to more.

Thanks for that Freddie.


Excellent review Tommy!!! Thumbs Up

I don't think I got an opportunity to meet you, but I really appreciate you coming out!!

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thx Jeff!

these 2 nights in a row of live instro were just unbelieveable, as you can imagine


Excellent review Tommy!!!

I don't think I got an opportunity to meet you, but I really appreciate you coming out!!

Skeeter- No, we didn't meet- I was a bit under the weather and kind of laying low in the back with my wife and the hot rodders. Summer colds suck. Awesome show, though. I might try to make the trip to Bethlehem for Musikfest in August.

Thanks for the vid!!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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