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Permalink Meshugga Beach Party at Bay to Breakers 2008

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Playing at the Bay to Breakers race in S.F. is a royal pain in the butt. You have to get there by 6:30 to set up, then you have to play for 3 hours with no breaks. the cops shut you down at 11:30, but you still have to wait for hours and hours until the straggling drunks pass by and you can finally load out at 3:00.
Of course, there are benefits- lots of new fans, lots of dancing in the street, your friend's band might stop by and play a few songs, lots of merch sales.
And, this sort of thing happens -youtube video- once in a while. Caution- PG-13.

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Why does the bass player always get the chicks?

she looks lost from a 'blind faith' album cover.......

Actually I think she was leaving Lava Rat Bills place, and was a bit hung over and discombobulated still
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink


And that my friends, is why you need to learn to stop looking at your hands when you play Crying

I missed it.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

LOL Danny. I was more struck by the image of Mel playing a Mosrite. Shocked

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I didn't even notice the mosrite.
tells ya where my minds at.


Here's another short clip featuring Mel's excellent new song "Czeck Mate", the Mosrite, some killer bees, body painting, and a bunch of other weridos.
What a day...

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Ahhhhh, imagine if aliens (the kind from another planet) landed at that spot at that very moment.

Notice how eagerly Mel leaned in for that photo. Laughing (just teasin')

It was a pretty fun day. The band sounded great (that Mosrite sounds phenomenal), the crazy runners got into it.
The penises were definitely out in full force--well, figuratively speaking... it was cold out.

Wish I could have been there!! MBP, the Deadbeats and Boobs! Laughing

It must have been awesome. There is always next year.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Ferenc, thanks for sharing the clips! It was a great gig, and great to have the Deadbeats play a few songs too. I really like my Mosrite - it's not as versatile as my Jaguar, but it sounds great and in the early morning cold weather the light strings and tiny frets were easier on my numb hands.

Here's a watercolor a passing artist did while the bees were dancing:
Too bad he didn't get the body painted girls, or maybe he did and I just can't tell?

great gig indeed! my first time playing through a mosrite, first time playing through a showman, first time playing with MBP, AND my first taste of manischewitz!!!! i really enjoyed MBP, and all the girls walking by there haha i dont know about the 75 year old naked dudes dancing around though but yeah, it was nice seeing MBP play, although it does suck that the park ranger made the music stop, and were being assholes when they were tryin to load their stuff back into their cars. anyways it was great playing with MBP!!!




Combo Tezeta IG

Nothing worse that officious overbearing cops. Man, don't I know. Laughing

With regards to the cops, it was a mixed experience. The park ranger who asked us to stop playing was very nice and professional, even apologetic.

The park rangers we encountered trying to load out were not helpful, but not rude. A lot of "I'm sorry, but I can't let you through" while trying to at least acknowledge my predicament.

The real duesy was the SFPD officer at the corner of Transverse and Crossover. He was a tool, unempathetic and uninterested. He seemed to consider me a part of the problem, just another a-hole in his day. No doubt he'd dealt with many during the day, but when I tried to even acknowledge his frustrations he got more pissed at me. He made me move my car back out of the park, and then as I walked into the park I saw him waive two vans through. I walked back to ask why they could go through when I couldn't and he yelled at me, saying they were "real vendors" and we weren't. He gave me the "one more word and you'll get the batton" look.

Now I've got to walk about half a mile back to where the band played, where Danny and the guys from the Deadbeats were waiting. We grabbed three Showmans, I slung the baritone over my shoulder and we started rolling the amps to my car. When we got in view of the car the cop, acting like he was doing me a grand favor, told me I could move my car forward about ten car lengths, to where I'd asked him if I could park the first time. I tossed the bass on the grass and walked over to the car, and moved it the alloted distance. We loaded the amps in, at which point the cop then said we could move the car up the end of the street, with a nasty tone like we were a pile of crap he was happy to finally scrape off his shoe. I was so pissed at this point, after four plus hours of trying to get out, that I took off with the car and forgot the baritone on the grass.

Really, I understand that his job sucks. I just wish he could have been a little bit understanding that my job at that point sucked too. Instead he treated me like shit, I got pissed, and forgot my guitar. It's my mistake and my fault, not his, but it's still disappointing.

yeah they were pricks, even when Mel begged them to PLEASE let him back to his old parking spot. he said the cop looked like he was ready to arrest him if he said please one more time... sheesh




Combo Tezeta IG

Please tell me there's a happy ending to this story Mel.
You realized after you left, you forgot your guitar, so you drove back, and there it was, your guitar still there, laying in the grassy area, and the cop got hit by a big mack truck.
Is this just wishful thinking on my part?

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

NOOOOO ahhhhhh fuck! i didnt know u left the guitar there!, MANNNNNNNNN PLEASE BE JOKING AROUND MAN.




Combo Tezeta IG


Rest assured, if I was there, I would of had a chat with that officer & his supervisor. I know how the system works & how to rock the boat. Bottom line is there was no justification for the guys behavior. I worked around some jerks like that. They gave the rest of us a bad name. I always felt quite capable of doing that myself but was able to refrain most of the time. You & your crew at top notch people & deserve to be treated better.

The attitude I received from the park police was that "we told them not to have bands this year" so tough shit. The same ranger that nicely asked us to stop was completely unsympathetic by around 3pm and told us we're just going to have to wait until 6 when the park opens to traffic again. Sad Very unhelpful. I don't think it's worth it to go back next year.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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