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Posted on Aug 06 2006 09:22 PM
I couldn't help noticing the complete dissing of the Fabulous Nomads in other topics. Why is there such a feeling of contempt for these guys? I thought the Surf 101 was a meeting point of all levels of experience, but the posts I read makes me think this group has gone elitist.
What's up here?
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 03:17 PM
I feel kinda wierd talkin about this. But Hey you calledme out on this.
It's very hard for me to watch a surf band that sounds like more of a mediocre 70's classic rock band, than a surf band.
It may be Rude to publicly say that. But I would hate to tell people you gotta see this band, and then have them ask me why did I say they were good. All my credibility, would go down the drain.
Maybe it's better to just not say anything.
sorry I brought it up.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 04:04 PM
This brings up an interesting point in SG101 etiquette. I mean, I personally love surf with my heart and soul, but I can still get mighty frustrated with it at times. I haven't gone out of my way (and I'm not saying anyone has) to impose a bad mood on peoples' tastes, but there's gotta be some room for criticism I think. Should there be an unwritten (maybe even written) code on the kinds of comments we should all make? Maybe if feelings won't get hurt we could leave this group open to all opinions? I suppose constructive criticisms would be best, but maybe if there are some sort of guidelines we won't have to feel so guilty or offended by varied personal tastes.
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 04:20 PM
I think it is more than fair to offer constructive criticism or express the fact one does not care for the music of a certain band as long as the person is not being malicious. The concert yesterday started at 11:00. There was a reason some of us did not arrive till later. For some of us it involed our taste in music. If you are going to use some highly descriptive term in your bands title, you should be able to back it up. Just my two cents.
Having said that, I'm sure all of us appreciate that all the bands donated their time & traveled considerable distances to entertain us. I thank all of them for that.
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 05:01 PM
There is a lot of room for different takes on the surf genre, if you are not a trad band you can expect folks into trad to not like what you play. (Just an example). Though in general vocals tend to be the dividing line in SG101. I like the honesty Tiki, you have for sure earned the right to your opinion being such a prolific follower (and practitioner) of surf (that make sense?)!
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 05:24 PM
I did not contribute to that original thread, nor have I ever heard or seen The Fabulous Nomads. So my response isn't about them, per se.
I do not think saying stuff like "I don't like that band", or "that band is not my cup of tea" makes you an elitist. Criticism is healthy if it is kept positive and you state your reasons. I think everyone realizes musical tastes are a subjective thing, and not everyone is going to like every band.
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 05:54 PM
Not to toot my own horn, but I think I am very open to many many different sub genres of surf. I get upset alot at friends and online people I know that don't like bands I think are amazing.
There is a difference to a band not being good, and playing well but in a style that someone may not like.
I don't think I said that The Fab. Nomads sucked. But I may have said I didn't think they sounded like a surf band.
These are all opinions and not imposed on anyone, just trying to let
people know that they may not be to into a band.
besides I think most allready knew what they sounded like, and didn't really need my help in deciding weather to get there at 11 am to see them.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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San Francisco

Posted on Aug 07 2006 06:25 PM
I think that if you can back up your criticism with a solid argument, there is no reason not to have negative comments.
So here is my take on the Fabulous Nomads... fine bunch of musicians, but... they are not going to endear themselves to the surf crowd, trad or progressive for a number of reasons. First, lots of vocal tunes, and when they played Smashmouth's version of the Monkee's "I'm a Believer", even Linda the Hostess, who just been championing them, said, "That's not surf". Second, surf music trad or modern, is not based in the blues idiom. The Fab Nomads use a lot of blues improvisations when playing the standards, something you would likely hear in a bar cover band. Third, the cheesy Roland synth.
On the positive side, I really like the originals they played, especially the slow tune which with the beautiful melody. It was great that they played "California Sun" and dedicated to the guy name Burt who was having his 100th b'day. When they played "I'm a believer" a bunch of kids got up and danced. So who cares if I didn't like them, lots of other people did- I'm no tastemaker...
I really don't think that the members of the band would care a bit about this criticism, they seem to be doing fine without our help. Here is their website:
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Last edited: Aug 07, 2006 20:24:10
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Posted on Aug 07 2006 08:03 PM
What Ferenc said. Check out the song list on their website--they're a bar band, plain and simple. A bar band that adds guitar solos to "Baja," "Pipeline" and "Misirlou."
— That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.
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Posted on Aug 08 2006 03:48 AM
also, when you've been on the list(s) for a while you realize that people just express themselves differently. one man's "sucks" is another man's "not my cup of tea". just like the real world. no big deal.
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Posted on Aug 08 2006 09:47 AM
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 12:53 AM
I get upset alot at friends and online people I know that don't like bands I think are amazing.

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Posted on Aug 09 2006 11:31 AM
I'm no tastemaker...
Ah, but I dare say you are the Freshmaker!
I'm not sure what a freshmaker is... a new coffee machine???
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 12:10 PM
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San Francisco

Posted on Aug 09 2006 12:15 PM
See how unhip I am??? I can't even keep up with the Mentos...
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 02:16 PM
los mentos .... cool name for a surfband .... los mentos need to be confined in los straitjackets!
— Rules to live by #314:
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 02:20 PM
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 03:13 PM
did you see that smiley ... is that a hiphop smiley?
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Posted on Aug 09 2006 06:13 PM
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Posted on Dec 12 2006 08:58 AM
I'm new here. My name is Curt and I played lead guitar for the Nomads in the late '80s. Willie D played lead before me and taught me the repertoire.
We prided ourselves in being a garage band, we played only surf music and everyone in the band actually surfed.
I left the band in 1991 and was replaced by John, who was a good player, but he took the band in a different direction.
I heard them play at the Huntington Surf Museum a few years ago, and was disappointed. They only played a few actual surf songs; the rest were just oldies. I think the audience was let down a bit also.
Nomads.....go back to your roots. Get some surfers in the band.