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Permalink Drum loops for surf

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I was wondering, do any of you use drum loops in your recording? I'm having trouble finding much of anything out there suitable for surf.

We don't, but my dream surf album is a ton of programmed electronic beats and remixing like on the Postal Service album. I think trad surf would do really well in this fashion.

Try EZ Drummer from ToonTrack and either use the standard drum set that comes with it, or use the add-on drum set "Vintage Rock".

For more of the older sounds/loops, Groove Monkey's ROCK collection has a lot of the older standard backbeats.

And of course, these will never replace a real drummer, but they can sound quite good if you take your time in constructing a track. We've used them and are very happy with the results.


I use 'Garageband' on the Mac for demo's - and both the tunes I've posted on the 'Demos' page here were using drum loops in that. However, I've now bought a Roland V-Drum kit for my studio (which is great) so most will feature that in future.

There's a few Garageband loops that work well and I have a couple of Beta-Monkey ( ) discs that have some usable stuff.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I use 'em all the time for demos.
What I usually do though is chop the loops up in Ableton Live and play over that.
I wouldn't use loops exclusively on a release unless it was undeniably obvious that it wasn't intended to sound like a live drummer.


I have a Yamaha PSR-400 keyboard/synth that has 99 canned rhythms, but I only use it for a glorified "click track" since only two or three of them are anywhere remotely decent for Rock of any kind. (It was manufactured at the tail end of the Disco Era)

Still, if I get ambitious I could come up with a MIDI sequence to play it, but that means I'd have to learn something about drumming. Sad

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.


Here's a very simple freeware drum loop creator that you can save into wave files:

It's a dance drum machine but you can use it for anything. I use it along with other programs and machines.

Tim O
oestmann guitar



Here's a very simple freeware drum loop creator that you can save into wave files:

"Freeware", huh?
"...Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista"
That is far too great a price to ask anyone to pay. Twisted Evil

blah-blah ... Macintosh ... blah-blah ... from my cold dead hands.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

blah-blah ... Macintosh ... blah-blah ... from my cold dead hands.

blah-blah...Linux...blah-blah Rolling Eyes

UmaFloresta's question is a perfectly valid and reasonable one, of course, so I hope I'm not giving any offense if I say that when I see people talking about drum loops I sometimes wonder if anyone makes guitar loops for people to play drums over? I suppose a fairly sophisticated set would allow setting the loop to vary randomly in tempo, for a bit of a challenge. A really sophisticated one would let you change the loop in various ways from verse to verse to make it more interesting, though, of course, most people don't insist on that sort of thing.

Who needs drum loops now? You can send your demo to Dusty Watson's new Circle City Drums and he and Rikki Styx will add real drums to it.

Stormtiger needs drum loops now? You can send your demo to Dusty Watson's new Circle City Drums and he and Rikki Styx will add real drums to it.

Wow, that's cool!! I wonder how much they charge?

And how come Dusty's not on this forum?

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

My "project" if I ever get to it is going to be playing surf music over programmed drum beats using a gameboy cartridge called "Nanoloop". The project will be called "Hangin' 8bits" hence my name. I dabble in strange sound generating electronic devices also, so I'm sure they will work their way in as well.


Wow, that's cool!! I wonder how much they charge?

And how come Dusty's not on this forum?

I emailed Circle City about the fees. I think Dusty probably has too many irons in the fire to spend time it here, it sure takes up a good portion of my days. That guy doesn't let the grass grow under his feet.


blah-blah ... Macintosh ... blah-blah ... from my cold dead hands.

blah-blah...Linux...blah-blah Rolling Eyes

Do I catch the whiff of a little computer snobbery in this forum?

Sorry gentlemen, I should have checked out the specifics better. I also like to hang out with commoners and the great unwashed. Leave me to my bang on my empty baked bean tins. I'll leave you with your secret handshakes, raised eyebrows and vintage reds. A good day to you sir and you! Wink Wink Wink

Tim O
oestmann guitar



BTW, Dusty does have an account here, but I think he has posted only once or twice.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Do I catch the whiff of a little computer snobbery in this forum?

Sorry gentlemen, I should have checked out the specifics better. I also like to hang out with commoners and the great unwashed. Leave me to my bang on my empty baked bean tins. I'll leave you with your secret handshakes, raised eyebrows and vintage reds. A good day to you sir and you! Wink Wink Wink

Mr. Green Chill oestmann! No computer snobbery here...I just caught a whiff myself and couldn't resist dishing out some of my own (sarcastically but not seriously) in return Wink

FWIW, both Mac and PC suck equally in different ways.

For audio recording I choose the PC due to ease and low cost of hardware upgrades and the ability to run a wide variety of software including VST plugins. I hate Microsoft though and would much rather be using the Mac OS if it wasn't for the reasons I already stated. I'm using XP now and wouldn't have upgraded to it from 2Kpro if it wasn't for me wanting to be able to utilize hyperthreading/multi-core.

For everyday computing Linux beats both since it combines the best of both worlds (great OS and cheap hardware) while adding one unfortunate minus of its own...not much good application specific software is available (games and pro-audio). For web-surfing, listening to music, burning discs, editing photos, and other general time wasting computer chores it has both Mac and PC beat though, IMO of course.

I don't look down on anyone for using any computer system as long as it gets the job done...

Stormtiger needs drum loops now? You can send your demo to Dusty Watson's new Circle City Drums and he and Rikki Styx will add real drums to it.

Mmmmm....that's VERYcool!! I wonder how much the service costs though??

i'd like to find a serviceable old Texas Instruments pc...there are some wicked sounds buried in that machine! Laughing

Hey DP what drums did you use on "zmudowski" - I think it's a real tight sound. Loops? Machine?

As far as my computer snobbery goes -just teasin' fellas. I'm actually interested to learn more. I'll try and keep non-windows users in mind next time.

Tim O
oestmann guitar



Hey everyone ... I saw this thread and I thought you should know about my new website: Steve's Springy Surf Drums ( It's a cool, retro site that's pretty fun.

I've got four different loop packs (Apple/AIFF formats for Mac and PC) that you can buy for under $10.

Great for building classic surf songs! Hopefully, you'll like them.


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