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they was in early 80..., and was a big influence in the end of the Bristish punk scene...

Sepecilly they put Surf in the Bristish punk movement...only The Clash do the same with Charlie don,t Surf..
But the Brracudas was Surf pop punk band

They really was a rare band in the 80,s...but they was surfing when the worl forget the surf music..

I love his energy...

and Summer Fun is a Gret Song

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"



Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

In this moment The New Baracudas band..The Barracudas came Back

isn,t well.....they don,t play well...

I was listen at live and was a bad Show

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

I loved the Barracudas back in their day, had all their records. Not really surfy as we think of it. More beachboys pop and then lots of mid60's garage rock influence. Still, I really dug them.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I loved the Barracudas back in their day, had all their records. Not really surfy as we think of it. More beachboys pop and then lots of mid60's garage rock influence. Still, I really dug them.

funny, i don't hear very much Beach Boys influence in the Barracudas. to me the Beach Boys actually was a surf band back in the day, they even had instrumentals. the Fender guitar sound and Carl's guitar playing also helped shape them into an actual surf band as well, whereas the barracudas were great, but in my eyes not a surf band at all. they were a punk/garage band from Britain that only SANG about surfing.

and for the record, Charlie Don't Surf isn't even close to a surf song, nor was it intended to be so, so it did nothing to put surf in the brit punk scene.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

Charlie Don't Surf isn't even close to a surf song, nor was it intended to be so, so it did nothing to put surf in the brit punk scene. true, ...., but in Sandinista Album there was a lot of Reverb..., isn,t Surf...but the Clash even was a intelligent band...
Sure that they coulb be present the Surf music style in this Song...

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"


I loved the Barracudas back in their day, had all their records. Not really surfy as we think of it. More beachboys pop and then lots of mid60's garage rock influence. Still, I really dug them.

funny, i don't hear very much Beach Boys influence in the Barracudas. to me the Beach Boys actually was a surf band back in the day, they even had instrumentals. the Fender guitar sound and Carl's guitar playing also helped shape them into an actual surf band as well, whereas the barracudas were great, but in my eyes not a surf band at all. they were a punk/garage band from Britain that only SANG about surfing.

and for the record, Charlie Don't Surf isn't even close to a surf song, nor was it intended to be so, so it did nothing to put surf in the brit punk scene.

What I meant was there was more emphasis on vocal style and upbeat major chord songs than the instro surf we favor here.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I don't know about them being surf, but the Barracudas rule. Little Red Book is an awesome song, and they have others.

BArracudas rule!!!!


Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

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