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Permalink Squad Car - tab/chords needed?

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Hi all

Does anyone happen to have the chords or tab for the lead melody of the well known surf tune Squad Car ?
I am keen to learn to play it! but the middle section sounds tricky


Paul K

Los Kiosk Bears - the genuine surf sound of cambridge, UK

No sun, no surf, no sand, no babes but great music !!

Great tune...
Here is how I play it.

Am Am Am Am
Am C G Am
Am C G Am

Am Dm E Am
Am Dm E Am

Dm Am E Am
F Am E Am

Back to intro........

Good luck

Hi Ben

Thanks for those chords.

I don't suppose you have some Tab for the actual melody?
all the best


Los Kiosk Bears - the genuine surf sound of cambridge, UK

No sun, no surf, no sand, no babes but great music !!

Sorry...I don't have the tab. But, it's pretty easy to pick it out. The bridge is a little tricky but you'll get it. How much of it do you have now?

don't worry, I will use the Speedtrainer software that is included with my AmpliTube Live package to slow it down so I can work it out myself

all the best


Los Kiosk Bears - the genuine surf sound of cambridge, UK

No sun, no surf, no sand, no babes but great music !!

No surf, no sun, no sand, no that's rough.
Oh well, you should have plenty of time to practice......good luck.

I might have tabbed it out. If I did, it's on my home p/c, and I'm on vacation. If you still need it, I can get it for you in about a week.

In the mean time, if you want to mess around with the bridge, here's how I play it:

Played over the Dm -
Finger 1 on the E at the 5th fret 1st string.
Finger 2 on the F at the 6th fret 2nd string.
Finger 3 on the D at the 7th fret 3rd string.
With the correct rythem, play that chord 4 times.
Put your pinky on the B at the 7th fret 1st string.
Play the chord once.
Move your pinky to the C at the 8th fret 1st string.
Play the chord twice.
Move you pinky back down to the B at the 7th fred 1st string.
Play the chord once.

Over the Am:
Bar the first 3 string with your first finger at the 5th fret.
Play the chord 4 times, then use your pinky to play the same notes you did over Dm.

Over theE
Bar the fisrt 3 string with you first finger at the 4th fret.
2nd finder on the E on the 2nd string at the 5th fret.
Play the chord 4 times as above.
Use you 2nd finger to cover the A on the 1st string at the 5th fret (as well as the E on the 2nd Fret).
Play the chord once.
Put your pinky on the B at the 1st string 7th fret.
Play the chord twice.
Lift you pinky (2nd finger still on the A).
Play the chord once.

Play the Am routine again.

Repeat the whole thing (except on the last Am, just play the chord once)

Easy, Huh!? Wink

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins

^^ I always played it solely on the E & B strings, but your way sounds more accurate I will give it a try. If you have the tab you should submit it to the site because I think this is one of the most requested tunes out there.

I just posted the tab we had for this back in the Yahoo Group days on the front page of this site. Here is a direct link.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Brian
Thanks for that tab link, it's perfect!

Some weeks ago I emailed Paul Johnson (who wrote Squad Car) to ask for a tab but he said he didn't have one. So this is great.
Now I just have to worry about playing it fast enough.

all the best


Los Kiosk Bears - the genuine surf sound of cambridge, UK

No sun, no surf, no sand, no babes but great music !!

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