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Permalink "You guys are great, but what you really need...

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Somewhat off topic but...
The last time we played @ the mystic in petaluma, ca, a guy came up to me after the show and said, "you guys are great man, and I love your're a shitty guitar player, but you got great hair man!"

Sad Sad Sad

Bob Bitchin'

I hear that from bar owners. It's tough to get gigs when what they think they're looking for is dance music and they can't equate instrumentals with dancing.

When the bar owners say that.
reply shouldn't people dance to the beat of the drums,
not a vocal line?

ha ha, that stops people dead in their tracks everytime.



were playing pipeline and this guy walks on stage and starts singing it!
he sings the whole song as if he knew all of some inexisting lyrics
and when the song ends ,he salutes the audience and left.....

That reminds me of the vocal version of "Hawaii-5-0" done by Deadman's Curve.

"Hawaii 5-0 theme tuuuuuuune,
Hawaii 5-0 theeeeeeeeeeeeme!
Polynesians are coming for you,
Polynesians in a big-ass canoe!"

How about the ORIGINAL? It was done by the late Don Ho. At the last minute,the producers decided on an instrumental version for the TV Series.

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

I think alot of this problem can be traced to one word......kareoke!! Think about it, in kareoke bars all over the world, roomfuls of drunks are being conditoned to believe when an instrumental tune starts up, somebody has to stand up and belt out some lyrics. I may be wrong........but then again I may be right.


Great topic. I've often wondered how instrumental bands handle this sort of thing, because it's bound to happen.

I'm in a still forming instrumental band, playing primarily surf, and while we have yet to perform anywhere, I've already begun to think about how we will handle it when this inevitably happens.

I've always been drawn to all instrumental bands, (probably because I don't sing myself). It's pretty amazing how the vast majority of the music listening public out there can't relate to music without vocals.

Instrumental music has worked for several decades for The Ventures, and that's good enough for me.

I think alot of this problem can be traced to one word......kareoke!! Think about it, in kareoke bars all over the world, roomfuls of drunks are being conditoned to believe when an instrumental tune starts up, somebody has to stand up and belt out some lyrics. I may be wrong........but then again I may be right.

rooms full of drunks are being conditioned to actually think they can sing.....

"It's pretty amazing how the vast majority of the music listening public out there can't relate to music without vocals."

Actually, it's pretty amazing how the vast majority of the music listening
public out there CAN RELATE to crap Pop Vocals without MUSIC! LMAO

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

When the bar owners say that.
reply shouldn't people dance to the beat of the drums,
not a vocal line?

ha ha, that stops people dead in their tracks everytime.

I thought they dance to the bass line...we're the footsteps of the band...right?

At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

A friend of mine once told me that he just wrote some brilliant new lyrics for a Surf Report tune...and then handed me a blank piece of paper. Duh

Just tell them this instrumental stuff isn't exactly a new idea. Beethoven wrote tons of music without any lyrics at all. Cool

There is Surf east of Sepulveda.

This is a great thread!! SG101!

My Dad doesn't understand instrumental music, either. I'm 25, so on the rare occasion we listen to music together, he tires quickly of Surf music and Jazz.

I play in a Country band Dead Thread

We always have drunks come up to the stage on the somewhat rare occasion we play bars. They ask for the most ridiculous things!

We only play two songs where I get to crank the reverb and tremolo:

"Runaway", and "Stampede" by Chris LeDoux...

I wish I was in a Surf band. Worship

Just tell them this instrumental stuff isn't exactly a new idea. Beethoven wrote tons of music without any lyrics at all. Cool

Makes me wonder....
the people passionate about music,as we are, love the sounds.
But Most people only relate the the "song" formula, may be they need the story or some words to relate to...Before the Beatles intro music was pretty popular arround the world.
after that the Rock & pop music was trapped inside that very formula.
Dont get me wrong i love a good song but the point im trying to make
is that the power of voice+words touches something in mostly everybody...

Everyone these days are so used to the "formula" pop/country/rap/hiphop (It's all the same these days) music, that anything different is uncool....

Everyone these days are so used to the "formula" pop/country/rap/hiphop (It's all the same these days) music, that anything different is uncool....

Everyone these days are so used to the "formula" pop/country/rap/hiphop (It's all the same these days) music....

Don't count me in on that category.......and I'm sure I'm not alone....... Wink

YOU....ARE NOT ALONE!!!.....
p.s And you're right, "It's all the same." But in my book, I call it the way
I see it....KRAPP!!_ pardon my Irish/Italian mentality....

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Last edited: Mar 25, 2008 00:08:12

I sing, and then people don't say that anymore.

Great subject!
Here's the deal. If a band puts themself in the limelight of a venue that supports a whole bunch of tourists. The band better be ready for a few vocal requests. The more ammo the better. Don't limit yourself. Anybody can whip out a few surf tunes, but, in my experience, always be ready for that curveball. FWIW.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I sing, and then people don't say that anymore.

I hear that one Mike, songs for me to sing have to be right in my range to sound anywhere near like good, I'm more the backing guy for our singer.

The instrumental section of our 'show' is going down a treat amongst the punters with requests of more of the same. It's early days for us on this instrumental thing, but the signs are good.

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