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Permalink the WHAT coasters?

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I still sorta can appreciate this one, but then I found this ....

Confused Confused Confused Confused

ferenc, you must know more about the history of this?


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I don't get it. Wth Question

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

The Thunderchiefs

Not much story, just promo videos...

Small trivia- That is Shigeo taking the vocal for "Neon Lights"


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Not much story, just promo videos...

just wondering what they were promoting? Wink

anyway, these seem like rather old video's, even though they were recently posted on you tube. you know from when the are? did they make thiskind of music,

sorry, not much of a SC connaisseur I'm afraid, only have one album, but hey, I want to learn!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

anyway, these seem like rather old video's, even though they were recently posted on you tube. you know from when the are? did they make thiskind of music,

There's a Surf Coasters' techno remix album called Surfdelicious that I'd steer clear of. "Neon Lights" is actually on one of their more traditional albums, Surfdelic.

About every other album or so there's a song or two that makes you stare at the speakers and mumble "What ... the fuck ... were they thinking?" In some ways, I guess it's part of the appeal. Stylistically they're all over the place, both within surf and well outside of it.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I have heard both of these songs before, and many of the other wacky non-surf things they have done. But all can be forgiven if you have seen them play live.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Is it safe to assume that he's not using flatwound 13's?


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Paying the rent?

anyway, these seem like rather old video's, even though they were recently posted on you tube. you know from when the are? did they make thiskind of music,

(I just realized I didn't come anywhere close to answering Wannes' questions.)

Both of the songs were done in the first half of their career. Aside from the remix album it's not a style that they pursued for more than--at most--one song per album. Most of the vocals they did weren't very good, though.

Even though "Neon Lights" <i>is</i> on one of their most traditional albums, the two other semi-trad ones (Surfside Village and Surf Attack) have a combined one vocal, which is defintely not nearly as, uh ...


It's actually a cover of the vocal version of "Movin" that Klas posted somewhere a while back.

Wait ... isn't "Neon Lights" a Kraftwerk cover?


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Wait ... isn't "Neon Lights" a Kraftwerk cover?


I don't really get why they'd accentuate those songs. Shigeo's fingerwork on pretty much any other SC song would be just as dizzying as those videos, but at least more impressive to watch and more appealing to listen to. Yeah, each album often had a flub that tanked pretty hard, but I'm still willing to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.

I don't really get why they'd accentuate those songs. Shigeo's fingerwork on pretty much any other SC song would be just as dizzying as those videos, but at least more impressive to watch and more appealing to listen to. Yeah, each album often had a flub that tanked pretty hard, but I'm still willing to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.

My guess would be that their label/management/etc. felt songs of that style would me more likely to catch on with the general public than, say, "Intruder." Or not--that's just a guess.

Most of the real WTF moments they had were the more experimental ones--I think a lot of people don't fault them for taking chances that not too many other bands did, especially considering that when the far-out stuff worked, it could be pretty awesome.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

One vocal on Surface Impressions is really great. I don't know the title.

Hey, it ain't that bad... and it's worth it for the glimpse of Shigeo with long hair!

Regarless of their "commercial" attempts, Shigeo Naka is one of the greatest guitarists alive...


Hey, it ain't that bad... and it's worth it for the glimpse of Shigeo with long hair!

Regarless of their "commercial" attempts, Shigeo Naka is one of the greatest guitarists alive...


Well put.

I agree, but personal tastes are a very subjective thing.
I'm sure there are a few people that don't like the surf coasters surf stuff, let alone their over the top meanderings.



Hey, it ain't that bad... and it's worth it for the glimpse of Shigeo with long hair!

Check out the band photos in the liners of their self-titled album--Shigeo's got a full-on clash between cowboy and hair farmer going on.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Call him Cowboy Shigeo:

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