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Permalink asking about the unspoken agreement

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I have heard mention about this from some bands.

Sometimes when bands tour, the home(hosting band)
will give their money to the touring band.
and if they tour to that bands town at some time, they will return the favor.

I wonder how common this is,
and who thinks its cool, and who doesn't
do you do that for European bands also?



Depends how much money was made. If it is under a hundred bucks I'd give the money to the touring band, if I liked the band or the people in the band. If it is significantly over that and they had merch that seemed to sell then I'd keep what we made. Can the band pay for gas? That is the big question.

No band should feel obligated to give up their cuts. Personally I don't like taking other bands money. So if they insist just spend it on their merch.

Agree We have done this many of times to help the bands with having them stay the night and if theres time show them around the city host a big dinner and as well my folks in SoCal open thier place up when The Verbtones are in town and we're doing shows with bands we're sharing the bill with that are outside the OC area we'll envite them to crash @ my folk's place in OC

And as for pay from shows we give the band a % or the whole thing to help them with grub and gas, Marie & my self don't do it for self gain but for good karma in life to help out in any way we can even if there's a show in Portland like a big SP show or any big surf show we envite those to save thier cash for a motel and have them stay with us instead Very Happy


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Last edited: Mar 12, 2008 22:45:17

you are one of the good ones man,



you are one of the good ones man,


Jeff BIGTIKIDUDE, Eddie Bertrand, Bill Lava rat & company, Kristena & company, Ralf, Volker, Oli, Tom Kilaueas, Jake, Mike, Jason, Eric, Mathew 'Verb & company, Danny & company anyone in the surf community that is coming up to the pacific northwest to tour or attend a surf shindig you know who to contact! our surf casa es su surf casa Rock

FYI: The Boss Martians are coming to Portland May 8, 2008 we're sharing the bill with them @ Duff's Garage, anyone planing to come your welcome to stay with us if your coming from far far away.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Yes, the out of town band should get the money - I'd even say take it a step further, and give the out of town band the sweet spot in the lineup for the evening -

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Yeah this has usually been the case for us as well. We've been treated very well when playing out of town and definitely like to reciprocate as well. We don't live by any hard and fast rules, but when one of our own from the surf community is playing with us, its usually a non issue. I don't have any problem giving a touring surf band our cut for the night. That's why its important to play with band mates that are open to that kind of thing. We can make money off CD sales and such and as Kyle pointed out, earn some Karma points!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Marie & my self don't do it for self gain but for good karma in life to help out in any way we can

this is the ticket. dont do it as an unspoken agreement or to get the favor returned. We've done it in our hometown, give our cut to the touring band. Otoh, but If I have to drive across the country with two cars and blow E100 on gas and get 50 for doing the support, Im keeping the 50. :?. Dont mention it to the club though, just grab your cut and give it yourself, the club might screw you.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

It's certainly true of Hotel Utah shows.

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We played first last weekend, packed the room, had a great time. The second band (The Dillengers) were out of town. after our show most of the room cleared out, and left about 10 people. We gave up most of the door to them, cause these guys are the best. By the way, I haven't heard anyone mention them on this site. The Dillengers guitarist, is in my opinion, the best anywhere, and I gladly gave up some coin to enjoy their set.

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