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Permalink I guess you'd call it the "title bar"

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I was thinking the same thing as Jake. Take the KFJC website, for example.

The buttons I made up.


Let me know what everyone thinks.

I just want to point out that, although it may seem like it, I'm not pushing for change, I just have to much free time on my hands.
If it's not a quick easy change on Brian's part, I think it'd be better to not change the site for cosmetics, the content will be the same no matter what.

Use Times New Roman and I am outta here!




Ive gotta say, I liked the first ones better too.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Wow, pay attention. Smile I've been saying all along that it is possible and somewhat easy to randomly pick a logo on every page load.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow, pay attention. Smile I've been saying all along that it is possible and somewhat easy to randomly pick a logo on every page load.

i saw that, i was wondering why everyone was still asking.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

I love the idea to randomly swap out the header using different guitars. That way the page is always fresh and a treat to open. The existing buttons, although somewhat generic, look fine and will not take away from the spiffy header. As they are code based, not graphical, they are easy to read, will load fast and will increase in size when a user wants to view at a larger text size.

some different styles of buttons i could do.


obviously some are based more on cosmetic reasons than others.
color changes, font, and other minor changes are possible.

I thought these would look really cool with the motif that this site has.
So I went ahead and made them.


does it have to have the glare on the top of each button?
makes it a wee bit hard to see what it says.



My only contribution would be to call it the "tremolo bar" instead of the "title bar." (I hope nobody else said that already. :oops:)

I'm a little hesitant to use graphics for site navigation for accessibility reasons, plus they usually don't work well as you stretch or compress the browser. But they sure look nice. Smile

Are you still working on the logos Nicholaus?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I've actually taken a bit of a break on the graphics recently. After this weekend I'll probably tackle them again to make some more, though.

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