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Posted on Feb 26 2008 07:23 PM
Sweet! That is insane! I like the strat the best for the contrast of the white on blue, then blue on white. On the last example you somehow have a little light in there coming out of the lip that appears to be shinning up the fretboard. I really like that.
Yeah, I like that type of contrast too, but then again, being the Mo' Freak
that I am, the Mosrite looks pretty kewl too! 
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Santa Cruz or Waikiki

Posted on Feb 26 2008 07:50 PM
yes. I am a longboarder....
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 06:38 AM
nice stuff nicholauslee. if I may add a few things
I liked the backgroundcolor for the first pics you did a bit better, but I can see how it maybe wont mix as good with the colors we have now. I dont know, just an observation
I REALLY like those white oval buttons in the first version, they are so cool. sort of a vintage-site feel without being tacky, it really works for me, any chance we can keep that?
finally, I may be alone in this and it might be a ridiculous sentiment, and that's all it is, a sentiment, but I really dont like the idea of custom design. I like the idea we're all looking at the same website, part of community building for me. as for which guitar it's gonna be, that's all the same really, I like them all, but custom design, it makes me feel a bit like going to a bar and instead of a DJ everybody in the room has his own ipod on 
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Feb 27 2008 07:56 AM
WR, for technical reasons I think it is best to keep the buttons off the logo. However if Nicolaus sends me the ovals I can probably "skin" the current buttons with them. Or at least try.
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 08:30 AM
yes, on the logo, under the logo, all fine, we dont want them to get in the way of the wave either. for some reason I just prefer the white ovals to the green squares. egg fetish????
— Rules to live by #314:
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The jungle

Posted on Feb 27 2008 10:24 AM
Last year you put out a call for banners and I was thinking about this in 640X150:
Just to add to the confusion!
I wouldn't normally recycle this effort, but the logo in the Fender-like typeface was surprisingly challenging to create.
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Feb 27 2008 10:36 AM
Wow LHR. That's beautiful!
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 10:41 AM
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 10:48 AM
Wow, you are right. Those are the settings I use...maybe I should speak to my clergyman!
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Feb 27 2008 11:06 AM
Well I pictured him right in the pipeline there, but it's up to more skilled people than me to make that happen. Also, I'm not hung up on having 4 logos if you just want to do one with a representative guitar. You guys can fight over which guitar that will be.
i smell a poll!!
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Ventura, CA

Posted on Feb 27 2008 11:16 AM
PLEASE!!! Before it goes any further, no more polls for artwork! Let the artist do their thing and everyone else keep out of it. You will only end up with a diluted version....too many cooks. If there needs to be a vote on a design, have it taken by a selected panel, not the entire community. Can you imagine taking a poll for song writing? It's the same thing. If you have your own ideas, do it yourself. Art by committee is NEVER a good thing.
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 11:18 AM
IMO I dig it as it is "stock" and what's the point only you the user will see the guitar choice when you log in and no one else it's just more work for Brian?
but...this idea would be more killer if next to each person logged in had a guitar of their choice next to their user name now that seems to be more worth the the time because then everyone will see your guitar choice 
my 2cents
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Feb 27 2008 11:41 AM
PLEASE!!! Before it goes any further, no more polls for artwork! Let the artist do their thing and everyone else keep out of it. You will only end up with a diluted version....too many cooks. If there needs to be a vote on a design, have it taken by a selected panel, not the entire community. Can you imagine taking a poll for song writing? It's the same thing. If you have your own ideas, do it yourself. Art by committee is NEVER a good thing.
Paid for by a graphic artist.
i didn't mean a poll for the artwork, just for the specific guitar being used.
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Ventura, CA

Posted on Feb 27 2008 12:13 PM
Sorry Josh, I didn't mean to single you out, I was only trying to head off a poll at the pass. My point was only that all art/design decisions for the site should be left up to Brian and whoever he chooses to include in that process. There are as many opinions out there as there are people so one solution won't work for everyone. As the Site Dude, he should have the final word and the art should conform to his vision.
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Ypsilanti, MI

Posted on Feb 27 2008 12:25 PM
I'm pretty sure it would take a lot of work to recode so that we could each have our own preferred title bar image. I may be mistaken, but that's the idea I got from Brian. However, I do think it could interesting if it loaded a different image, at random, each time we log in.
That being said, I barely look at the title image as it is, and if it takes a lot of effort, I'm not about to push for change for the sake of change, that's how you end up with pretentious math rock.
I'm going to do a little tweaking of the buttons to make them a little more detailed and button-like. I'll post them soon. It seemed everyone liked the buttons.
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Bay City (Michigan)

Posted on Feb 27 2008 12:33 PM
I'm cool with new buttons, I really like the current banner we have now though.
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Posted on Feb 27 2008 12:42 PM
Like I said, allowing personalized logos would be non-trivial, and probably something I am not going to tackle.
Randomly picking a logo is much easier.
I like and appreciate all the effort that Nicholaus is doing.
As I have said before, I am fond of the logo we have, even though the guy is wearing a wet suit and riding a short board. The photo was taken by my wife during our Surf Coasters visit in Santa Cruz. He was surfing in April and it was cold, cold, cold that day.
However I can see us rotating the logo every few weeks or months just to liven things up.
I love LHR's reverb unit logo too, but I think in order to use it, I'd have to change the rest of the site theme to match it (get more browns and stuff in there). But, as always, if anyone wants to help, or has graphics or theme tweaks, I'd love to see them! Thanks everyone!
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The jungle

Posted on Feb 27 2008 11:08 PM
Whoa! Anyhow, I am a graphic artist and I think the place works for me also. The fact that Brian's wife took the photo is cool!
Look, we all come to the site for the content: the fine folks around here and the info. It is the only place like it on the web. The rest is window dressing, I figure.
Last edited: Feb 28, 2008 05:46:57
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Santa Cruz or Waikiki

Posted on Feb 28 2008 12:00 AM
How ironic it is that the current logo has a wave from Santa Cruz. We have next to no surf-instro bands that play here. What do you think it would take to get the Surf Coasters back to Santa Cruz? They are so awesome!
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Posted on Feb 28 2008 12:04 AM
I am not a web guru, but is it possible for a banner to be randomly opened each time a person visits the site? I know of several sites that have something like this but I wouldn't know if the site is flash based or xml or some other fancy web thing that isn't compatibility with our fancy web thing.