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Permalink What Fuzz pedal do you recommend?

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I like! kinda like a user friendly fuzz factory, and you don't have to deal with a douche to get one Twisted Evil A little pricey though Crying

Yeah no doubt man for almost $200 bones it better have some kick ass fuzz but I wouldn't buy it though.


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Was always partial to the SuperFuzz...I have had this for about 9 years...LOVE IT.

Yea yea, I know about my flight control board...too much stuff, even for me.



Lovetone Cheese. Excellent box that'll probably cover all your fuzzy needs. I've looked no further since I bought one.

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

If you're handy with a soldering iron you can build your own.

I never use a fuzz for surf but I do use the Ibanez tube screamer in the wedding band (yeah band) I play in. It's the only fuzz pedal I've had for overdrive. It's very flexible and easy to set and sounds awesome at low amp volumes. Most of the time i just push the front end of a 40 watt Fender amp with my '68 Les Paul Custom, and Mummmmmm good! Don't need no stinkin' pedals......ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I never use a fuzz for surf but I do use the Ibanez tube screamer in the wedding band (yeah band) I play in. It's the only fuzz pedal I've had for overdrive. It's very flexible and easy to set and sounds awesome at low amp volumes. Most of the time i just push the front end of a 40 watt Fender amp with my '68 Les Paul Custom, and Mummmmmm good! Don't need no stinkin' pedals......ed

Nop this future what ever "Fuzz" pedal I get is not going to be used for surf but for other projects.


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I never use a fuzz for surf but I do use the Ibanez tube screamer in the wedding band (yeah band) I play in. It's the only fuzz pedal I've had for overdrive. It's very flexible and easy to set and sounds awesome at low amp volumes. Most of the time i just push the front end of a 40 watt Fender amp with my '68 Les Paul Custom, and Mummmmmm good! Don't need no stinkin' pedals......ed

Yeah, you're describing an OVERDRIVE pedal though. Overdrives (TS-808, OD-1, MXR Dist+) are great for getting a workable distortion tone through a clean amp at reasonable volumes (simulating a cranked amp).

On the other hand, FUZZ is a completely different effect that isn't trying to simulate a cranked amp but instead a cranked amp with misbiased tubes and a ripped speaker cone!! Mr. Green

Why not a Fuzz-Face?
Sorry if this has been answered but I didn't read the whole thread.... Embarassed
By the way I have no experience with fuzz stompboxes, just asking.

The Fuzz Face is a great Fuzz pedal...and a true FUZZ...but it sounds mushier, bassier, and smoother than a Si Fuzz like the Fuzzrite or Shin-Ei (which sound more trebley, biting, and wasp-like which I think is closer to to the sound that Kyle's looking for).

The Fuzz Face is a great Fuzz pedal...and a true FUZZ...but it sounds mushier, bassier, and smoother than a Si Fuzz like the Fuzzrite or Shin-Ei (which sound more trebley, biting, and wasp-like which I think is closer to to the sound that Kyle's looking for).

thanks surfmole....

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

I just built myself a Fuzzrite. Very easy circuit, easier than my FuzzFace, that never worked properly. Just 4 capacitors, 4 Resistors, 2 Transistors. At first I was not so happy with the sound, but by switching the capacitors you can pretty well change it. I just spent 5$ on it.

I put in a pot to create sounds like a Theremin. I'm very pleased with it. Plus there's no feeling of:"oh no, not again new gear." but "yes, it works, I can do it."

I put in a pot to create sounds like a Theremin. I'm very pleased with it. Plus there's no feeling of:"oh no, not again new gear." but "yes, it works, I can do it."

Where did you put the pot? Confused
When you play guitar it sounds like a Theremin?

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

bomboraboy hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I put in a pot to create sounds like a Theremin. I'm very pleased with it. Plus there's no feeling of:"oh no, not again new gear." but "yes, it works, I can do it."

Where did you put the pot? Confused
When you play guitar it sounds like a Theremin?

I put a 100K pot between the Emitors of the transistors and the ground. When the Resistor is on, it creates a buzzing. The pitch can now be adjusted with the new pot and the fuzz pot.
It was just luck, I'm not a technician but it's very funny to play with. You can dial in an E and then play Misirlou, sounds very funny.
Maybe I can get the hooter like on squad car. Cool

What transistors did you use for your Fuzzrite clone (and what schematic)?
Si or Ge?

The Fuzz Face is a PITA to build and have it sound good! That's why every Dunlop reissue and many of the originals are so terrible due to the choice of transistors and/or lack of tweaking each fuzz individually. To get a good Fuzz Face you have to have good non-leaky Ge transistors that are in the right gain range for each stage...then you have to bias them properly (which usually requires tweaking the circuit and not using standard resistor values). Germanium Fuzzes are the one pedal in which it's necessary to build it yourself and/or buy a boutique clone in my opinion due to the amount of tweaking required to have it sound "right". When it does though it's a great sounding pedal!!

What transistors did you use for your Fuzzrite clone (and what schematic)?
Si or Ge?

I used two BC337 silicium transistors as replacements for the TZ82.

I remebered this net-store in germany which carries matched sets and triplesets of germanium transistors, for anyone who cares. Im sure you can get the same stuff in the US, but I thought Id pass the info anyway.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Small Bear Electronics in the US has matched Germanium transistors and includes resistor values. Heck of a nice guy with everything you need for pedal building.



bomboraboy hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I put in a pot to create sounds like a Theremin. I'm very pleased with it. Plus there's no feeling of:"oh no, not again new gear." but "yes, it works, I can do it."

Where did you put the pot? Confused
When you play guitar it sounds like a Theremin?

I put a 100K pot between the Emitors of the transistors and the ground. When the Resistor is on, it creates a buzzing. The pitch can now be adjusted with the new pot and the fuzz pot.
It was just luck, I'm not a technician but it's very funny to play with. You can dial in an E and then play Misirlou, sounds very funny.
Maybe I can get the hooter like on squad car. Cool

Bomboraboy, so you are saying, that with the 100Kpot installed, that you
can change the pitch?

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Si Fuzz like the Fuzzrite or Shin-Ei (which sound more trebley, biting, and wasp-like which I think is closer to to the sound that Kyle's looking for).

That's the the ticket Scot Rock


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Small Bear Electronicsin the US has matched Germanium transistors and includes resistor values. Heck of a nice guy with everything you need for pedal building.


Agreed!! Smallbear is the best source for pedalbuilding goods and a cool guy to do business with. His Germanium trannies are good too although I've found the resistor values he includes to be "questionable" (in other words I seldom go with his values).

I've got a stash of 2N2222A transistors I can use and am planning on building a prototype this weekend...

That's the the ticket Scot Rock

I'll see how the Fuzzrite with Si transistors sounds....


Small Bear Electronicsin the US has matched Germanium transistors and includes resistor values. Heck of a nice guy with everything you need for pedal building.


Agreed!! Smallbear is the best source for pedalbuilding goods and a cool guy to do business with. His Germanium trannies are good too although I've found the resistor values he includes to be "questionable" (in other words I seldom go with his values).

I've got a stash of 2N2222A transistors I can use and am planning on building a prototype this weekend...

I haven't ordered any Ge trans from him yet, so I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip!

Post how it goes! I'll report on the Orpheum when I get that far (it's a Si fuzz as well).



Small Bear Electronicsin the US has matched Germanium transistors and includes resistor values. Heck of a nice guy with everything you need for pedal building.


Agreed!! Smallbear is the best source for pedalbuilding goods and a cool guy to do business with. His Germanium trannies are good too although I've found the resistor values he includes to be "questionable" (in other words I seldom go with his values).

I've got a stash of 2N2222A transistors I can use and am planning on building a prototype this weekend...

That's the the ticket Scot Rock

I'll see how the Fuzzrite with Si transistors sounds....

Scot use what ever you think will make this Fuzz pedal sound killer and vintage like Very Happy


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