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Ypsilanti, MI

Posted on Feb 26 2008 12:42 AM
Well, I don't have a day job at the moment. So in my free time I did these.
What does everyone think?
I wanted to do a Mosrite version as well, but I had a hard time finding a good direct on, decent sized image. The few that I could find had guitar stands of some sort obstructing the front.
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 01:04 AM
I think it looks pretty damn good.I know it may look like I'm new here,but i assure you I'm not.In my honest opinion I think a change would be good.
Yeah I also think a Mosrite would look pretty cool too. Keep up the good work. 
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 02:44 AM
Sweet! Love it!
For total druthers each user could have their preferred guitar show up in their title bar. I think this could be automated with PHP after the actual graphic is updated and uploaded to the server, just like the rest of the user ID block.
Also a wave or surf break view somehow in there behind the links would be killer!
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 09:17 AM
I like it! You could be on to something.
I would suggest losing the buttons and avatar from the logo. In case you didn't notice the current "buttons" on the top of the site change depending on if you are logged in or not. If you pulled them off of the logo I could continue to do that. Although I could use the white ovals to back the buttons.
As far as letting each user pick their favorite guitar, that is a bit more work. I'd have to modify the database, develop a screen to let the user pick, etc. Not terribly hard but non-trivial. It would be easier to randomly pick a logo on each page load.
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 09:28 AM
That's definitely sweet!! Zamminc is using something like this with
a Mosrite, where it shows ONLY the bottom half, pretty much like
how you have the JM, Jag, and Strat set up. Gee, I wander if we
borrowed the Mo.....mmmm, let me think about that...... 
— .......make the Mos' of it,
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 09:48 AM
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 10:16 AM
Looks awesome! I do agree w/ Brian's suggestions. Lets keep this going.
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Ypsilanti, MI

Posted on Feb 26 2008 01:32 PM
First, thanks everyone for saying you like it.
Also a wave or surf break view somehow in there behind the links would be killer!
Surfmuse, I'll see what I can do with that idea. The buttons and text fill stuff up in there pretty well already though.
One request: could we have a '62 reissue Strat with a rosewood board and a custom color rather than a fifties looking Strat? Keep it more surfy...
Yeah Ivan, I can do that. I just grabbed the second strat image that was a pretty good size. The first image i grabbed, started to crop, noticed that it had a humbucker at the bridge, and deleted it.
I would suggest losing the buttons and avatar from the logo. In case you didn't notice the current "buttons" on the top of the site change depending on if you are logged in or not. If you pulled them off of the logo I could continue to do that. Although I could use the white ovals to back the buttons.
It won't be difficult at all for me to get you an image without the buttons and such. I could have them to you within the day, if you want me to. However, since I got a couple requests here to alter the images I think it may be wiser to try to satisfy those, then get them to you. Agree?
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Feb 26 2008 02:06 PM
First of all Nicholaus, no rush on anything, as installing the logo will be non-trivial for me, as I'll have to adjust the PHP code.
I suggest just working on a visually appealing banner graphic, without any buttons, etc, and I'll put the link buttons underneath it or off to the side, kind of like what we have now.
It looks very promising what you have. Thank you for volunteering your time on this. 
I may try a few minor improvements to the site theme myself. Maybe round a few of the edges if I can. So little time though....
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 02:09 PM
Fricken Sweet man! keep up the good work!! 
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 02:20 PM
i like the jag one.
although you should change it from 'everything about intro-music' to 'everything about instro-surf music', like the title. haha, there's a lot more instro rock n roll that isn't surf, so you should have made it a bit more specific...
good job though, it looks good! i always wondered why a jag wasn't in the main image...they outsurf a jazzmaster anyday! 
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 02:22 PM
although you should change it from 'everything about intro-music' to 'everything about instro-surf music', like the title. haha, there's a lot more instro rock n roll that isn't surf, so you should have made it a bit more specific...
Haha! oops... I'll make sure i change that, complete accident. Good thing it wasn't a tattoo!
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Ypsilanti, MI

Posted on Feb 26 2008 03:03 PM
New images with a wave break in the background.
Different strat.
And fixed Words.
I'm still looking for a good image of a Mosrite.
And I'll be doing a version of this without the buttons and stuff too soon.
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Feb 26 2008 03:15 PM
Sweet...! Can ya get a guy surfin' in there? That would make things complete. Tie the room together, so to speak.
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 03:28 PM
Hey Brian, how about putting the Surfing Dude in place of the Username Pic??
— .......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
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1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Feb 26 2008 03:44 PM
Well I pictured him right in the pipeline there, but it's up to more skilled people than me to make that happen. Also, I'm not hung up on having 4 logos if you just want to do one with a representative guitar. You guys can fight over which guitar that will be.
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 04:26 PM
I'd definitely keep the site navigation separate from the 'logo'. Image maps and such are a pig if someone uses the site with graphics turned off... and the CSS that Brian would need to arrange (and how it degrades with less-capable web browsers) would take a fair bit of fiddling..
..all this from a sometimes dial-up and/or Linux user of the site... and a bit of a usability afficionado 
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Posted on Feb 26 2008 04:33 PM
I like the top one, with the bit of lip fitted nicely in the cut-away. PERFECT! Its like I just went surfing and then came home and played surf guitar. Oh. That IS what I just did... Excellant!
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Ypsilanti, MI

Posted on Feb 26 2008 06:59 PM
Okay, this time without buttons. (If you want me to, I can send those to you separately Brian.)
And a Mosrite, although I might change the guitar image later if I can find a better one still.

Last edited: Feb 26, 2008 19:01:25
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Santa Cruz or Waikiki

Posted on Feb 26 2008 07:12 PM
Sweet! That is insane! I like the strat the best for the contrast of the white on blue, then blue on white. On the last example you somehow have a little light in there coming out of the lip that appears to be shinning up the fretboard. I really like that.